Strong arguments in favor of homemade ketchup with apples for the winter. Many flavors - homemade ketchup with apples for the winter

Strong arguments in favor of homemade ketchup with apples for the winter. Many flavors - homemade ketchup with apples for the winter

When the shelves are already overloaded with apple jam and compote, jam and jam, stocks of candied fruit and drying are prepared, and even apple wine is playing, and the crop is still not completely processed - it’s good to cook several types of homemade ketchup with apples for the winter. If someone thinks that this is a troublesome task, and it is easier to buy ready-made sauce, then carefully read the inscription on any package of “shop-based” ketchup. Yes, and not in the ketchup store with such interesting flavors that you can create in your own kitchen.

Homemade ketchup with apples for the winter - the basic technological principles

In Russian cuisine, the word “gravy” still exists, which has recently become increasingly competitive with the words “ketchup”, “sauce”, “salsa” and other foreign words denoting the same thing.

Ketchup can be cooked quickly, five minutes before serving, at any time of the year. Traditionally for its preparation tomatoes are used as the main ingredients. “Fast” ketchups are cooked, both hot and cold. There are ketchup based on vegetable juice, with the addition of starch and other thickeners. Why is ketchup with starch stored for a long time in the original packaging? Because the composition of all sorts of additives in it exceeds the amount of natural ingredients, including, as stated in the title, the main component.

Conduct an experiment: cook ketchup with apples at home for the winter, with the addition of starch for thickening, put it in the fridge and see how many days later “the pot will explode”? When adding all kinds of preservatives this will not happen, even after the expiration of the storage period indicated on the plastic packaging.

Here, we came, unnoticed, to the main conclusion: homemade ketchup with apples for the winter is better! It is prepared at home not only from apples, but, practically, from all vegetables and fruits growing on personal plots. The number of fruit and vegetable combinations in the world reaches tens of thousands. The basic principle of cooking all sauces, sauces and ketchups is the creation of a homogeneous puree-like consistency, and home canning differs from production recipes and technologies using only natural ingredients, boiling them to a thick mass. The main task that requires special attention is the subsequent pasteurization, but if you carefully observe the sanitary and hygienic standards, check the cleanliness of the container, the lids and the quality of the closures, then this obstacle is easily overcome.

Fortunately, modern household appliances can significantly facilitate the work of housewives. So, it is convenient to use a blender, a food processor, to grind products and give them the desired consistency, to put out all the ingredients in a slow cooker, which can also be used during pasteurization, is enough.

The preparatory stage takes very little time. Sorting, cleaning and cutting of products is a matter of a maximum of one hour, even with significant amounts of workpiece. The list of ingredients can be easily modified by giving your family a homemade ketchup with apples for the winter. As an idea for improvisation, you can always use recipes from the Internet or other sources.

Recipe 1. Homemade ketchup with apples for the winter to white meat


  • Carrots 1.5 kg
  • Apples, sweet and sour 3.0 kg
  • Onions 1.6 kg
  • Coriander
  • Carnation
  • Turmeric
  • Pepper Mix
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Vinegar 9% 250 ml
  • Oil, refined 150 ml


Weigh vegetables and apples in peeled form. Keep peeled apples in water until they are used so that they do not darken. Add sugar, salt and all other spices (ground) to taste at the end of cooking. Add turmeric as desired, but keep in mind that it will give a beautiful yellow color to the sauce, and, in addition, this spice is a natural antiseptic that is useful not only for food, but also protects canned foods from harmful microorganisms. Crush peeled apples, onions and carrots. Apples should be rubbed on a grater and added to the prepared mass at the end of cooking, because they do not require long-term heat treatment. Pass the onions and carrots separately in a small amount of oil, covered, until soft. Put them in a large saucepan, add grated apples, mix, cover and simmer on the weakest fire for 15-20 minutes. Add all the other spices to taste, and simmer the sauce for another 10 minutes. Without removing from the plate to maintain the temperature, pack up in prepared jars.

The container should be pre-washed and sterilized in a hot oven. When packing in each jar, pour one tablespoon of vinegar and, with the lid on, shake the jar so that the entire inner surface of the jar is treated with vinegar. Spoon the sauce hot, pour the same spoon of vinegar on top and spin the lid, but not very tight. Put the jars in a pan with hot water and, from the moment of boiling water, pasteurize for 7 minutes - 0.33 ml jars; 10 minutes - 0.5 ml cans.

Recipe 2. Homemade ketchup with apples for the winter in wine

This sauce is not similar to ketchup, in the conventional sense, but it deserves attention, as a blank for stuffing a duck. Of course, you can make it directly before baking the stuffed duck in the oven, but with the duck there is enough trouble and without cooking apple stuffing. This sauce can be served separately, in finished form, to baked duck breast, or to other red meat.


  • Strong wine (16-18%) 1.0 l
  • Sweet apples, red 3 kg
  • Vegetable oil 100 ml
  • Sugar 200 g
  • Cinnamon
  • Cardamom
  • Mix of ground peppers
  • Carnation
  • Salt
  • Balsamic vinegar 200 ml


The sauce is prepared quickly, and therefore it is necessary to prepare banks for capping in advance. They must be sterile and hot for packaging. Pick apples of sweet varieties, with red skin and dense flesh. Cut off the skin is not necessary, and cut the fruit into large cubes or divide into eight slices with a special knife. Put the slices in cold water with the addition of vinegar, and proceed to the preparation of refills.

Heat the butter in a pan and put all the spices, except sugar and salt. Feeling the rich aroma, lay out slices of apples, drain them with water and shake it well. Fry over high heat for 2-3 minutes, then add sugar and a little salt (ketchup should be more sweet than salty). When the sugar and salt dissolve and the sauce thickens a little, pour in the wine and simmer. When the sauce is reduced by 30-35%, pour in the balsamic vinegar and immediately fold it into the hot jars.

Ketchup packaged pasteurized 7-12 minutes, depending on the volume of the container.

Recipe 3. Homemade ketchup with apples for the winter, with tomatoes and basil


  • Apples and tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Vegetable oil 100 ml
  • Basil 200 g
  • Carnation
  • Parsley 150 g
  • Garlic 50 g
  • Sugar
  • Hot Peppers
  • Salt

Preparation Method:

Sort out apples and bake in the oven. After cool and wipe through a sieve. From the blanched tomatoes, remove the skin, cut into slices and remove the seeds. Chop greens of basil and parsley with garlic and hot pepper to a pasty consistency. In a deep saucepan, heat the butter and simmer the baked apples with slices of tomatoes until thick. At the end of cooking, add chopped green mass with pepper and garlic, spices to taste, sugar, salt.

Immediately pack in hot jars, turn them over and wrap them with a blanket.

Recipe 4. Homemade ketchup with apples for the winter with pineapple


  • Ginger 50 g
  • Apples, sour 1.5 kg
  • Pineapple, fresh 1 kg (net)
  • Garlic 50 - 70 g
  • Soy sauce 10-15 ml
  • Pectin
  • Vegetable oil 70 ml
  • Balsamic vinegar 30 ml
  • Salt
  • Coriander
  • Carnation
  • Cinnamon

Preparation Procedure:

Chop ginger and garlic on a fine grater. Add ground spices with garlic and ginger in hot oil. Add soy sauce. After mixing, put grated apples and diced pineapple in a saucepan. Simmer for 10-15 minutes. Dissolve pectin in 200 ml of juice, and pour into a saucepan at the end of cooking, to thicken. Bring the sauce to the required flavor with salt and sugar. Pour in balsamic vinegar and quickly fold the ketchup into the jars.

Recipe 5. Homemade ketchup with apples for the winter - apple-plum sauce


  • Apple and plum puree - 0.5 kg
  • Sugar, Brown 1.0 kg
  • Carnation
  • Ginger 100 g
  • Cardamom
  • Cinnamon
  • Hops-suneli

Preparation Method:

Sort the fruit, remove the stones from the plums, and from the apples - the core. Blanch the fruit in a little water. Remove the peel and mash them. Combine with sugar and boil until thick. At the end of cooking (5 minutes until tender) add ground spices, grated ginger root.

Spread ketchup into hot jars without removing it from the heat. Banks pasteurize, as indicated in the recipe number 1.

Recipe 6. Homemade ketchup with apples for the winter - honey ginger sauce


  • Ginger 50 g
  • Honey 400 g
  • Turmeric
  • Sea buckthorn 200 g
  • Apples, winter 0.5 kg
  • Carnation
  • Cinnamon


Blanch sea buckthorn berries, wipe them through a fine sieve. Their mashed apples cook puree and combine with sea buckthorn juice. Bring the puree to the boil, add the grated ginger root and spices. 5 minutes before readiness pour honey. Spread hot sauce in jars and pasteurize. Store in a dark and cool place. An unusual sauce will suit both meat and fish, and dessert dishes.

Homemade ketchup with apples for the winter - tips and tricks

  • When choosing a recipe for apple ketchup, be critical about the amount of vinegar added. He is not only a preservative in preforms, but also a regulator of taste. Each housewife uses apples with different acid content. If the fruit is sour, and in the recipe they are more than half, then the amount of vinegar should be reduced. If, apart from apples, a large amount of carrots or onions are included in the sauce, then vinegar is needed in sufficient quantity, since these vegetables are very “capricious” when it comes to their preservation - carrots and onions do not contain enough acid.
  • When using vegetable oil for making winter preparations, try not to abuse them, because the oil (even sterilized!) Ages and spoils the taste of canned vegetables.
  • If there is garlic in the recipe for winter preparations based on vegetable oil, then, if possible, put off the prepared cloves for the winter and add them when you open the can. This technique will create the feeling that the ketchup was prepared only yesterday.
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