Ice cream ice cream at home: creamy, vanilla, according to GOST. Magic desserts from homemade ice cream - the taste of childhood

Ice cream ice cream at home: creamy, vanilla, according to GOST. Magic desserts from homemade ice cream - the taste of childhood

In the well-known joke that when foreigners evacuate their Santa Claus because of the terrible cold weather, children in Russia continue to eat ice cream on the street, the share of jokes is not so great.

We love ice cream, they eat it all year round and even ... cook it themselves.

Basic principles of making ice cream ice cream at home

• In order to personally cooked sundae turned out tasty and not harmful to health, use only high-quality, natural and always fresh food.

• The main components of any ice cream: cream, granulated sugar or powdered sugar, full-fat milk and various thickeners.

• The fat content of the ice cream depends on the dairy products used in the preparation. The higher the calorie content of cream and milk, the correspondingly fatter ice cream will be.

• Starch, gelatin and egg whites are used as thickeners in the manufacture of ice cream at home. Without their addition, ice cream, unfortunately, will melt very quickly and lose its characteristic tenderness.

• The secret of a tasty ice cream is not only in the correctly selected ingredients, but also in the accuracy of compliance with the recommendations for its preparation.

• Even the simplest recipe can be spoiled by improperly freezing the ice cream. This is best done in a special ice cream maker, but if it is not there, do not neglect the recommendations indicated in the recipe.

Ice cream sundae at home


• 300 ml of pasteurized milk, 4%;

• 100 ml of homemade liquid cream, or factory product, not less than 35% fat;

• 60 grams of white granulated sugar;

• 30 grams of milk powder;

• 8 grams of starch, corn.

Cooking Method:

1. From the main amount of milk, pour half a glass and combine the rest with granulated sugar and powdered milk. 2. Stir until smooth and strain through a rare sieve.

3. Heat the milk mixture to a boil, but do not boil, with vigorous stirring, add the cornstarch diluted separately in milk and brew like jelly.

4. Remove the saucepan from the cooked milk mixture from the heat, cover with food film and leave to cool.

5. Beat the chilled cream with a mixer or a whisk until soft peaks form and mix well with the cooled milk mixture.

6. Pour everything into a container with a volume of at least a liter, put it in the ice cream maker and freeze for half an hour.

7. If there is no ice cream maker, remove the container in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator and the first one and a half hours with an interval of 15 minutes. Stir with a mixer so that the ice cream will freeze evenly. After about two hours, the ice cream will be ready.

8. Before serving, remove the frosting bottle from the frost and hold it for ten minutes, covered with a thin towel, at room temperature.

Dessert for adults “Sundae on wine jelly”


1. 200 ml of sweet red wine;

2. 200 grams of ice cream;

3. three full tablespoons without a slide of sugar;

4. one umbrella clove;

5. a small piece of lemon peel;

6. a small pinch of cinnamon powder;

7. 25 grams of instant gelatin.

Cooking Method:

1. Fill the gelatine with a quarter cup of cold water and let it stand for fifteen minutes.

2. In 100 ml. boiled, cool water dissolve granulated sugar. Add lemon zest, cloves, cinnamon powder and boil.

3. When it boils, boil for three minutes, remove from heat and filter through gauze or sieve.

4. Pour in the wine, add the gelatin and, stirring well to dissolve the gelatin, warm it up a little, for about five minutes. Make sure not to boil.

5. Remove the jelly from the heat, pour it over the ice-cream bowls or special molds, cool, and place them in the refrigerator compartment to set.

6. When it hardens, put a homemade ice cream on top of the jelly and, lightly sprinkled with cinnamon, serve to the table.

Vanilla ice cream at home, according to GOST


• 500 ml of cream with the highest percentage of fat;

• half a liter of home cow's milk, or 6% of shop milk;

• three eggs;

• 200 grams of powdered sugar;

• vanillin - a small pinch.

Cooking Method:

1. Cool eggs and cream in the fridge in advance; when cooled, they will beat up much faster and easier.

2. Boil the milk and let it cool to a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees.

3. Then, with a spoon, start rubbing the yolks with powdered sugar until all the lumps disappear, and only then begin to beat the mixture with a mixer until the formation of steep peaks.

4. After gently stirring with a silicone spatula, gently insert the yolk mass into the milk and set to boil on the lowest possible heat, stirring constantly with a spatula so that it does not stick to the bottom and does not burn.

5. When the mass thickens and becomes like thick cream, remove it from the stove and allow it to cool completely. Refrigerate in the refrigerator.

6. While the boiled milk cream is cooling, whisk the cream in the refrigerator well and mix them with the cooled milk cream. It is best to do the whisk, and as carefully as possible, so that the whipping cream does not settle.

7. Pour the resulting creamy mass into a food form and freeze.

8. In half an hour, remove the container of ice cream, mix and only then beat everything again. This procedure should be done four more times.

9. After the last freeze, the creamy ice cream is ready.

Vanilla ice cream ice cream at home with fried bananas


• 600 grams of vanilla ice cream;

• two tablespoons of frozen homemade cream or butter;

• half a glass of dark sugar;

• 80 ml of rum;

• four bananas.

Cooking Method:

1. Place the large frying pan on slow heating. Pour in rum, add brown sugar, butter, and cook until sugar is completely dissolved. It takes about seven minutes. 2. Put bananas in creamy rum sauce along and then across the bananas and cook for about three minutes, periodically shaking the pan a little.

3. Still soft, not completely frozen vanilla ice cream-ice cream, place the balls on a wide plate.

4. Next, place two slices of fried banana and pour over the caramel-rum sauce.

5. Serve immediately.

Ice cream at home on proteins


• six chicken eggs proteins;

• pasteurized milk with the highest percentage of fat or low-fat cream up to 11%;

• 300 ml of 35% cream;

• 400 grams of granulated sugar;

• vanillin or vanilla sugar.

Cooking Method:

1. In a thick-walled saucepan, mix the milk with heavy cream and 150 grams of granulated sugar, put the mixture on a slow fire. Boil with vigorous stirring until sugar is completely dissolved. Remove the pan from the heat, cool it without using cold water and other intensive methods, just in air, at room temperature, and transfer to the freezer.

2. Beat separately in a clean and necessarily dry container until strong foamed proteins and the remaining 250 grams. sugar refined sugar.

3. When you separate the whites from the yolks, make sure that not a drop of yolks fall into the whites, otherwise they will not break up as required.

4. Remove from the chamber the creamy mass that has already cooled down during this time and carefully add small amounts of protein in small portions, carefully mixing each portion.

5. Transfer the ready, but not yet frozen, ice cream into the prepared for freezing form and put into the freezer.

6. After about an hour, mix the contents of the form and again leave in the refrigerator. Then repeat the same procedure after an hour and a half.

7. After about two hours from the last stirring, the ice cream will be ready.

Ice cream sundae at home on condensed milk with gelatin


• 125 ml of fat 6% of home-made milk; • 125 ml 35% cream;

• two eggs;

• 250 ml of whole condensed milk;

• two tablespoons of white sugar;

• teaspoon gelatin.

Cooking Method:

1. Spread sugar with egg yolks with a white spoon and dilute with cream mixed with half a glass of milk.

2. With continuous stirring, bring the resulting milk-egg mixture to a boil on the lowest heat, remove from the stove and cool slightly.

3. Pour gelatin with 50 milliliters of well-cooled water. When the mass swells enough, dissolve the gelatin in the remaining hot milk and carefully pour into the cooled mixture.

4. Then add condensed milk, mix well again.

5. In the milk mixture cooled to room temperature, very carefully, in small portions, add egg whites, whipped into strong foam.

6. Lay out for cooling in the ice cream maker or freezer.

Children's dessert from the ice cream “Pirates Treasure”


• 500 grams of creamy ice cream;

• 50 grams of multi-colored marmalade;

• 60 grams of milk or dark chocolate;

• 40 grams of roasted peanuts, unsalted;

• 60 grams of dried apricots;

• 40 grams of seedless raisins.

Cooking Method:

1. Sundae, cooked at home according to the above recipe, remove from the freezer until it is completely frozen, and transfer the desired amount to a large container.

2. Add chopped marmalade, peanuts, coarsely chopped or finely chopped chocolate, chopped finely dried apricots into small pieces. Pour aged for 15 minutes in hot water and then well dried raisins. Stir quickly and put back into the freezer.

3. When it hardens, spread the dessert on ice-cream bowls, rub the chocolate on top with a figured knife for peeling vegetables.

Ice cream ice cream at home with butter


• 100 grams of natural high-fat butter or very fatty thick cream; • pound of sugar;

• 1 tsp. starch (potato);

• one liter of 6% pasteurized milk;

• five yolks.

Cooking Method:

1. Mix the starch with sugar and, adding the yolks, pound thoroughly.

2. After all the sugar crystals smoothly rubbed with egg yolks, add a little fat milk and stir. As a result, a mass is formed, in its consistency similar to liquid “store” sour cream.

3. In the remaining milk, put chopped butter into small pieces and put to boil.

4. In a boiling milk, constantly stirring with a whisk or spoon, pour the egg-milk mixture.

5. When it boils, immediately turn off the heat and put the saucepan with the boiling milk mass in cold, preferably ice-cold, water. While cool, you need to constantly stir.

6. Put the completely cooled mass into metal molds and put into the freezer.

“Magic under the snow” - cake made of ice cream

For such a cake, you can take any biscuit cakes, preferably a round shape. If you take the sponge cake, you will need two shortcakes. Biscuits baked on their own are quite high, and one cake will be enough, cut in half in thickness.


• sponge cakes;

• ice cream ice cream;

• six proteins;

• 250 grams of sugar, white sand;

• bananas, fresh.

Cooking Method:

1. Cut the peeled bananas into thin ringlets and lay them on a biscuit cake layer, up to 2.5-3 cm high.

2. Then whip in a strong foam, until the formation of steep peaks, cooled proteins with sugar.

3. On bananas, cut into thick pieces and place in the same layer well-frozen ice cream-ice cream, cooked at home according to any of the described recipes.

4. Place a second cake on top of the ice cream and brush the cake well on all sides. This should be done very quickly so that the ice cream does not melt. Especially carefully it is necessary to lubricate the sides, the thicker the layer of cream, the better. When baking hot air should not penetrate into the cake. 5. Put the cake in a hot oven. Bake for fifteen minutes at 180 degrees.

6. Eat right away.

What is the magic? While the cake is baked, the ice cream does not have time to melt, unless, of course, everything is done correctly, without departing from the described technology.

Cooking ice cream at home - tricks and helpful tips

• Proteins will beat up faster and easier if they are pre-cooled or added while beating citric acid at the tip of the knife.

• The hot creamy base for homemade ice cream will cool faster if you put the saucepan on the ice cubes or in a bowl of cold water and stir it constantly with a spoon or a whisk.

• Chicken eggs can be replaced with quail. Four quail replace one chicken egg.

• If you add a little fruit puree to the preparation of the cooled milk mixture, you can not only change the taste of the ice cream, but also slightly reduce its calorie content.

• If, for some reason, a homemade preparing cream does not freeze to the desired consistency, do not be upset and do not rush to throw it away. From this ice cream you can always cook a lot of wonderful desserts that do not require full solidification of ice cream. The recipes for some such treats are described above.

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