Cheese soufflé - the best recipes. How to quickly and tasty cook cheese souffle.

Cheese soufflé - the best recipes. How to quickly and tasty cook cheese souffle.

Cottage Cheese Soufflé - General Cooking Principles

When you do not want to load the body with fatty cakes or high-calorie baking, but nevertheless you want something tasty, recipes of cottage cheese souffle will come to the rescue. This gentle light treat is most loved by children and their mothers. For cooking dessert, cottage cheese of any fat content is used, as well as milk. The fat content of foods determines the final calorie content of the dish. Add sugar for sweetening, you can also use honey and juices. That the souffle has acquired a “jelly” texture will require gelatin. It is poured with warm water and left for some time, then mixed with cottage cheese. The finished mass is removed in the fridge freeze.

Cottage Cheese Soufflé - Preparing Food and Dishes

Nothing special about the dishes is required. Just a bowl for the masses, forms for cooling, a saucepan, if you need something to warm up and a bowl of water for the gelatin. If the cottage cheese souffle is cooked in a double boiler, then you need a form for the device.

Pre-soaked in warm water gelatin to swell, cottage cheese carefully fray.

Recipes for cottage cheese soufflé:

Recipe 1: Cheese Soufflé

Cheese soufflé - the best recipes. How to quickly and tasty cook cheese souffle.

Pamper your kids or yourself beloved with light and healthy curd desserts. It is not necessary to spend money on the purchase of ready-made cheese soufflé, when this delicacy can be fully prepared at home. In addition, industrial desserts do not know what they are preparing.

Ingredients Required:

  • Cottage cheese - one and a half to two packs;
  • Cocoa - 5 spoons;
  • Milk - 75 ml;
  • Sour cream - half a kilo;
  • Packaging shortbread;
  • Sugar - 10 spoons;
  • 100 ml of warm water;
  • Gelatin - 40 g.

Preparation Method:

To start, soak gelatin in warm water and leave for half an hour. Grind cookies in a blender. Sour cream mixed with sugar and cottage cheese, mix very carefully to form a homogeneous mass. Milk is heated and we introduce swollen gelatin. heat, but do not bring to a boil. Putting gelatin in cottage cheese. We mix the whole mass well and divide it into three parts. Add cocoa to one and slightly stir it, but not much (so that there are clear chocolate blotches), mix the second part with a cookie, leave the third as is. We lay out the form of cling film. First, pour 4 spoons of the first part, then the same second and followed by the third. pour out all the curd mass, alternating layers. We send cottage cheese soufflé for 7 hours in the fridge. After a time, a delicious and beautiful treat will be ready. It can also be decorated with grated chocolate and nuts.

Recipe 2: Cheese Souffle with Yogurt

Cheese soufflé - the best recipes. How to quickly and tasty cook cheese souffle.

An incredible tender and light cottage cheese soufflé, an ideal recipe in the event that one wants something sweet, and does not allow cakes to eat. Preparing the dessert is very simple, nothing to heat and boil for this is not necessary.

Ingredients Required:

  • 250 g of cottage cheese and yogurt;
  • Spoons two gelatins;
  • Sugar - to taste;
  • Some warm water.

Preparation Method:

Gelatin is diluted in a small amount of warm water and leave to swell. In the meantime, grind the cottage cheese with the right amount of sugar to a uniform consistency. Add to the cottage cheese plain yogurt without additives. Then add the prepared gelatin and mix everything thoroughly. Such jelly can be served after solidification on its own or interesting to issue. As dyes, take fruit or berry juices and cocoa. We divide the mass into as many parts as it is planned to make layers. We paint parts in different colors. First, we pour one part into a glass form and send it into the refrigerator until it solidifies, then pour the second part and put the form in the refrigerator, then the third and so on. Frozen cottage cheese soufflé with yogurt can be laid out from the mold by turning it over on a wide dish. If necessary, dessert can be cut.

Recipe 3: Cottage cheese soufflé in a double boiler

Cheese soufflé - the best recipes. How to quickly and tasty cook cheese souffle.

The most wholesome dishes are steamed. But many people think that their advantages are limited to this quality. In fact, in a double boiler you can make a very tasty treat, for example, such a cottage cheese soufflé.

Ingredients Required:

  • 5 eggs;
  • A pound of cottage cheese;
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 4 spoons of semolina.

Preparation Method:

Separate the whites from the yolks. Cottage cheese carefully grind with two spoons of sugar and yolks. Add semolina to the mass and beat all the ingredients until smooth. Squirrels whip with four spoons of sugar in a rich foam. We introduce whipped proteins into the curd mass. Fill the form for double boiler weight and set to prepare for half an hour. Such a delicacy can be given even to small children.

Cottage Cheese Soufflé - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

- In the souffle you can add candied fruits, cocoa or pieces of fruit;

- You can make a beautiful puff cottage cheese souffle for the holiday using natural dyes;

- The finished soufflé can be sprinkled with chocolate or decorated with pieces of fruit.

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