"Lazurite" - reliable and safe protection of potatoes from weeds

What do you need to get a good potato harvest? Many gardeners, answering this question, will say - good seed, fertile soil, timely watering and top dressing. They are, of course, right. But there is one negative factor that can significantly reduce the crop of potatoes, despite the fulfillment of the above conditions - weeds. On weeds overgrown with plantations, it is not possible to get a rich harvest of potatoes, and reusable weeding is one of the most time consuming procedures in the care of this crop. Fortunately, today you can grow potatoes without exhausting weeding and without weeds.

Why are weeds scary for potatoes?

Appearing often before the sprouts of potatoes sprout, weed vegetation turns out to be a real competitor in the struggle for moisture, nutrients and a place in the sun. But even this is not the worst thing - many types of weeds attract various insect pests and are carriers of diseases!

Often found on the potato plantations, ragweed, is not only terrible for its allergenic effects. Numerous seeds of this weed plant remain viable for up to 8 years, and a powerful root extending to 4 meters in depth pulls not only moisture from the soil, but also potassium needed by potatoes.

Wheatgrass roots, no less malicious weed, long and thin, often pierce through the tubers, causing the tubers to rot.

The conclusion suggests itself - with the weeds on potato plantings it is necessary to fight.

Potato weeding - hard work and short-term effect

The most popular method of weed control since ancient times is weeding. To do this, use all sorts of hoes, cultivators and other hand-made and mechanized garden tools. All these tools help for a while to achieve a positive result in the destruction of weeds, but take too much time and effort.

Even if the area allotted for potatoes is very small, you will have to work hard to clear it of weeds. And the saddest thing is that these events will have to be repeated several times. After all, the remaining roots in the soil sprout again. And the seeds of many weed plants can lie in the ground for many years, without losing their germination and waiting for an opportunity to climb. Many weeds have a rather small piece of root remaining in the soil - the plant will rise again and in a short period of time will give seeds.

“Lazurit” - a modern alternative to inefficient weeding

To combat weeds, the firm “August” offers a modern selective herbicide “Lazurit”. A unique drug, destroying weeds (both at the stage of their emergence and adult plants), does not adversely affect the potato.

“Lapis lazuli” is active against a large number of weeds - quinoa, mar, bodywort, ragweed, schiritsa and many others. The list has about 50 common weeds. Herbicide is absorbed mainly by the roots of plants and partly through the leaves, affecting not only already grown weeds, but also their seedlings. At the same time, the appearance of the second wave of weeds is significantly reduced. Advantages of “Lazurite”:

  • the herbicide of selective action does not harm the seedlings of the potato;
  • destroys weeds, both before and after germination;
  • it takes 10-20 days to destroy weeds;
  • protective action lasts 1-2 months.

How to use “Lazurite” to kill weeds?

“Lazurite” is a very economical drug - for tillage before weed shoots, you need to dissolve only 10 g of powder in 3 liters of water. And this solution is enough to treat 100 m² of soil.

To defeat the already weathered weeds, it is necessary to dilute 10 g of the drug in 9 liters of water. This solution is enough for processing 300 m². It is only necessary to take into account that the processing can be carried out absolutely safely until the tops of the potatoes have grown no higher than 5 cm.

“Lazurit” is a modern herbicide and, like any chemical remedy, has its own safety requirements. The instructions attached to the drug describe in detail how to use the herbicide - the method of preparing the solution and the rules for working with the drug.

They are simple and easy to do, and the result is a healthy harvest, environmental safety and no exhausting weed!

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