Fried eggs with tomatoes and onions - not only for bachelors. Cooking scrambled eggs with tomatoes and onions

Fried eggs with tomatoes and onions - not only for bachelors. Cooking scrambled eggs with tomatoes and onions

Frying eggs with vegetables, namely with tomatoes and onions - it would seem, why is it so much easier?

Maybe this is true, but it is worthwhile to turn on fantasy or delve into old recipes ... and now an extremely simple dish appears in a completely different light.

The motherland of the dish is considered to be the Transcaucasus and Central Asia, in the selection there are a couple of recipes stylized as national cuisine.

Fried eggs with tomatoes and onions - general cooking principles

• All the recipes of fried eggs on tomatoes with onions involve the use of chicken eggs, since it is this product that is most widely distributed. But this does not mean that dishes can be prepared only from them. Fans of quail eggs can cook any scrambled eggs and from them, having correctly calculated the required amount. Before using the eggs, be sure to wash them, as there is a large number of germs on the shell.

• Onions and tomatoes are pre-fried in a frying pan in hot oil or fat, melted from fat. Do it slowly, so that the pieces of vegetables soften well. Sprinkle with ready-made green onions.

• Roasted vegetables are used as a pillow for eggs, cooking fried eggs. But there are recipes in which roasted vegetables are mixed with already loose eggs.

• Sausages, fresh herbs, cheese and even bread can be added to scrambled eggs with tomatoes and onions.

• Fried eggs with tomatoes and onions are not only fried in a pan, often this dish is baked in the oven.

Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes and Onions on Fat - “Eggs on Vegetable Sack”


• ripe fleshy tomato;

• small onion;

• a small piece of fresh bacon;

• three large eggs.

Cooking Method:

1. Cut the unsalted fat into thin, medium-sized bars.

2. Cut the peeled onion in half lengthwise and finely chop.

3. Rinse the tomato, wipe it dry and cut it in half, then also cut each half in half and further in thin strips across. 4. Put the pieces of fat in a dry frying pan, and put on low heat. Without a lid, warm the fat. If you want to leave slices of bacon in the fried eggs, do not fry them until dry.

5. When the fat is melted, put the onion in the pan and save it over medium heat.

6. Add tomatoes to golden onions and fry together literally two minutes. To roast tomatoes, do not forget to mix them.

7. Smooth out the vegetable cushion with a spatula and pour eggs onto its surface. Try to do this very carefully so that the yolks do not spread.

8. Without a lid, bring the eggs to the desired readiness. Then salt and serve.

Spicy fried eggs with tomatoes and onions


• 1.5 spoons of coriander seeds;

• spoon of seed of spira;

• ground paprika - 1.5 tsp;

• three small cloves of garlic;

• half peppercorn “Chile”;

• two tablespoons of olive or other very pure oil;

• small onion;

• four eggs;

• two spoons of thick tomato.

Cooking Method:

1. Put the seeds of coriander and coriander into a tight bag, add 0.5 tablespoons of salt and crush well with a rolling pin. Mix with minced garlic, grind to a pasty state and set aside.

2. Heat a tablespoon of oil over low heat in a pan. Dip the flesh of hot pepper and finely chopped onion into it. Cook, stirring, until the vegetables darken.

3. Add spices, tomato and garlic to garlic, and continue frying for about a minute.

4. Then pour 180 ml of boiled water into the frying pan and put the sliced ​​tomatoes into it, without peel. Mix gently and simmer until softened.

5. If the liquid boils away and the rings of the tomatoes do not soften enough, add a little more water, but not more than a quarter of a glass.

6. With a spoon in the vegetable mass, make four indentations and pour one egg into each.

7. Cover and warm the scrambled eggs for about five minutes.

Fried eggs with tomatoes and onions, in French


• two pieces of white loaf;

• small bulb onion;

• three tablespoons of lean, high-quality oil;

• 100 gr. “Dutch” cheese;

• two eggs;

• small meaty tomato.

Cooking Method:

1. Chop finely the onion, dip the tomato for a minute in boiling water, then in cold water, remove the peel. Chop pulp in small cubes.

2. Slice long loaf cut into small pieces.

3. In butter heated in a pan, dip the onion pieces, fry them on medium heat until they are transparent.

4. Add the chopped tomato and continue cooking for about three minutes, until the juice released from the tomato has evaporated.

5. Then put the bread cubes with vegetables and fry them with onions and tomatoes for two minutes.

6. Beat the eggs with salt and pour the contents of the pan with the egg mixture.

7. After 6-8 minutes, pour the scrambled eggs with grated cheese and bring to readiness within two minutes.

Fried eggs with tomatoes and onions in a loaf in a frying pan

Ingredients per serving:

• a piece of loaf;

• two spoons of natural butter;

• half of the average onion;

• medium-sized tomato;

• one egg;

• green onions feathers.

Cooking Method:

1. Wash the tomato with water and cut it into thin rings, lightly fry them on both sides. Do this quickly, so that the rings do not have time to fall apart.

2. Chop half the onions in quarters of the rings, place in a frying pan in which the tomato is roasted and browse until light golden staining.

3. Fried eggs are cooked in a loaf, so its slice should be no thinner than 2 cm.

4. Gently cut the crumb with a knife, leaving a crust of a centimeter thickness on all sides. Do not remove the selected piece.

5. In a frying pan, with a minimum of heating, melt the butter, fry the crumb on it on both sides and put on a plate, and put a piece of loaf without a center in the pan. 6. As soon as the bottom of the loaf is reddened, turn the slice over and place a few fried tomato rings in the hole, and a fried onion on them.

7. Break the egg on top and, as soon as the protein grasps, salt and sprinkle all the fine cheese chips.

8. Wait a minute and decorate the top of the eggs with finely chopped green onions. Serve with roasted crumb.

Fried eggs with tomatoes and onions in Italian style in the oven


• 100 gr. boiled ham;

• eight eggs;

• one onion;

• garlic;

• two spoons of milk;

• fresh spinach - 250 gr .;

• two medium tomatoes;

• 50 gr. Parmesan;

• two spoons of vegetable oil;

• lightly salted fresh cheese - 100 gr.

Cooking Method:

1. Cut the ham into small slices. With tomatoes, remove the peel and cut the flesh into small cubes. Finely chop the onion, and rub the garlic with a fine grater. Cut the spinach into small strips.

2. Splash some oil into the pan and dip the onion in it. You need to choose a pan that can be put in the oven, without a handle or with a metal handle. When the onion pieces are reddened, add the chopped garlic.

3. After three minutes, put the ham and tomato slices in the pan, simmer until the tomato pieces are soft.

4. Pour eggs into a deep bowl, add milk to them, lightly salted, pepper and whisk well. Rub hard cheese into the egg mass and mix thoroughly.

5. When the ham is reddened, pour over all the egg mass and mix thoroughly so that the eggs evenly spread over the roasting.

6. As soon as the bottom starts to grab, immediately remove the pan from the heat, evenly spread on the scrambled eggs small pieces of cheese and place in the oven.

7. Bring the eggs to readiness at 180 degrees.

Fried eggs in tomatoes with green onions - “Oasis”


• three small tomatoes;

• feathers of young onions;

• olive oil;

• three chicken eggs.

Cooking Method: 1. Wash the tomatoes well and cut off the top.

2. Gently spoon the entire middle with a spoon, sprinkle the tomatoes from the inside with salt and turn over on a plate so that all the juice runs away.

3. Grease the form with olive oil and place dried tomatoes into it.

4. Then pour one egg into each tomato. Try to break the shell so that the yolks remain intact, not spread.

5. Put the form in a hot oven and bake. Need to get when the protein is already covered with a whitish bloom, and the yolk is still liquid.

6. When serving, sprinkle scrambled eggs on top with chopped green onions.

Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes and Onions - “Nomad”


• large eggs - 6-8 pcs .;

• 3 large tomatoes;

• cheese, or other pickled cheese - 200 gr .;

• 2 large salad bulbs;

• vegetable oil - spoon;

• young onions;

• hot pepper - one large pod of medium sharpness;

• bacon with meat layer - 200 gr.

Cooking Method:

1. In a pot with a flat bottom or a wide thick frying pan, sprinkle a couple of tablespoons of water and put on the heat. As soon as the bubbles go, spread the chunks of the brisket and on the smallest fire, with the lid on, heat the fat.

2. Temporarily remove the cracklings, and in their place, place large pieces of tomatoes. The first tab will go 2/3 of vegetables. Roast for a long time, with moderate heat, until the juice is completely evaporated, and the flesh begins to stick to the surface of the dish.

3. In the meantime, in a separate pan, fry the large-cut onion to brown.

4. Add the rest of the tomatoes into the main pan, cut them into smaller pieces, on top of them fried onion, along with butter. Stir and salt. Keep the temperature average, or slightly below.

5. As soon as the second portion of the tomatoes noticeably “floats”, stir in the cracklings, manually crumbled, in random pieces, cheese. On top of the vegetable mass, put the whole sharp pepper pod. Cover with a lid, slightly reduce heat. Soak for about five minutes. 6. Stir the contents of the pan, select the peppercorn top, in the middle. Spoon the spatula with a spoon or spatula to expose the bottom of the dish. If in a few seconds in the grooves will gather some fat - immediately pour into each egg. If fat is not enough, you can put a little greasy sour cream or butter.

7. Fried eggs are not covered, sprinkled with chopped greens of onion, salt and pepper with ground black pepper over the entire surface. A sharp pod served separately, cut into strips.

Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes and Onions - Cooking Tricks and Useful Tips

• To make scrambled eggs, take only fresh eggs. Fresh, when lowered into the solution (for 1 liter of water, 100 g. Of salt) fall to the bottom, and spoiled eggs always float up.

• Waterfowl eggs are not recommended. It is impossible to wash off the bacteria on their shells under water. These eggs can only be used for baking, adding them to the dough. You can not take cracked eggs.

• To determine if there are cracks in the shell, knock on the egg with another egg. If the sound is deaf - the egg is cracked, the clear sound speaks of the whole shell.

• To prevent the egg yolks from spreading, break the eggs not on the edge of the pan, but with a knife and, best of all, not immediately into the pan, but beforehand into the cup. Then gently pour them into the pan.

• It is undesirable to fry the eggs under the lid, otherwise the yolk will be covered with a touch of white film.

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