Black Prince cake on kefir - a gift for a sweet tooth! Variants of the “Black Prince” cake on kefir with different fillings

Black Prince cake on kefir - a gift for a sweet tooth! Variants of the “Black Prince” cake on kefir with different fillings

Homemade cake “Black Prince” on kefir is a real find not only for sweet teeth. The harmonious combination of chocolate sponge with a delicate cream is inherent in it to the full. Dough sponge cakes on dairy products are prepared quite simply and always turn out to be airy. Dessert attracts simplicity of cooking, special taste and tenderness.

Black Prince cake on kefir - general principles of cooking

• Sponge cakes for the cake are prepared on the basis of low-fat yogurt. Most often, one cake is baked, which after cooling is cut into two or three thinner cake layers in thickness. It all depends on the height of the baked biscuit. You can divide the dough into parts or bake individual cakes.

• Cake “Black Prince” is made only from chocolate cakes. To achieve the desired effect, cocoa powder is mixed in the dough. It must be dark, with a rich aroma. If you use instant cocoa with added sugar, the biscuits will have a dull color and the desired chocolate flavor will not be sufficiently pronounced.

• For promazyvaniya cake layers used various types of cream. Depending on the recipe, the cream mass may be supplemented with nuts, cocoa powder, fresh or frozen berries, chocolate chips or coconut pulp.

• Cake “Black Prince” may be covered with a basic cream or chocolate icing. For decoration, chopped chocolate is most often used, which can be combined with finely chopped nuts or coconut chips.

Black Prince cake on kefir with sour cream butter

A successful, fairly simple recipe for sponge cakes on kefir for homemade cake. The main thing is to pre-place all the products from the refrigerator and warm them well to room temperature. The oil added to the cream does not allow the cake to absorb it. As a result, the cake is not moist.


• one egg;

• 150 gr. fine flour; • teaspoon of burnt soda;

• 200 gr. beet sugar;

• dark cocoa without added sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;

• average 2-3% kefir - 200 ml.

In cream:

• 300 gr. thin sour cream, with fat content from 25 to 30%;

• sweet cream butter - 250 gr .;

• 100 gr. refined sugar.

For registration:

• bar of dark milk chocolate, stogrammovaya.

Cooking Method:

1. In a bowl, pour the sugar cooked for the dough. Add the egg and beat into a thick foam.

2. Pour in kefir, pour in flour, previously pereseyannuyu with cocoa and soda flour. Intensively mix all the components with a whisk, and in order to avoid lumps, break them with a slight beating. Set the cake dough aside for a quarter of an hour, the soda should be activated.

3. To make the cake high enough, take a round shape and tightly cover its bottom with parchment. Grease the paper and walls with butter. For reliability, additionally sprinkle the walls with cocoa powder.

4. Pour the dough into a pan and bake a sponge cake at 180 degrees. It takes no more than half an hour.

5. Cool the finished sponge cake well, then divide it into two pieces with a thread or knife.

6. Softly soften butter at room temperature, chop and grind with sugar. For flavor, you can add a touch of vanilla powder.

7. At once enter all sour cream and shake up on moderate turns of the mixer until receiving pompous weight. Place sour cream for cooling in the common chamber of the refrigerator for half an hour.

8. On a flat plate, collect the cake. Without saving, grease biscuit preparations with cream. Coat a uniform layer of creamy mass and its sides.

9. For decoration, rub milk chocolate through a fine grater onto the surface of the cake.

10. To soak, put the dessert in the fridge for three hours.

Black Prince cake on cherry yogurt

Sour cream is added to the dough, which will make the biscuits more rich. To give the treat a special touch, cherry is placed under the cream layer. Berries can be taken both fresh and frozen. Cherry canned in its own juice will not spoil the dessert. Ingredients:

• two eggs;

• a glass of unrefined sugar;

• three spoons of cocoa;

• 200 ml of kefir;

• half a cup sour cream with fat content up to 20%;

• soda - 1 tsp;

• two glasses of high-grade flour;

• juice of half a lemon.

In cream:

• thick cream or homemade butter - 100 g;

• two glasses of 30% sour cream;

• powdered sugar - incomplete glass.


• 350 gr. fresh frozen pitted cherries;

• dark, high-grade chocolate - 50 gr.

Cooking Method:

1. Combine sour cream with kefir, pour in quick soda, stir and set aside for 10 minutes.

2. Pour in the filtered juice squeezed from half a lemon, mix and immediately enter the beaten sugar and eggs. Re-mix thoroughly.

3. Trailing through a strainer, add cocoa, and after it, add flour. Bring the dough to homogeneity by lightly beating, then let it stand for ten minutes.

4. Fill a dough-prepared baking dish and bake for about half an hour with the usual 180 degree heating for such cakes.

5. In order for the baked biscuit to cool evenly, place the baked cake on the grid and cut it in half only after it has cooled completely.

6. Put the cherry on a colander and thaw, leaving it warm.

7. Adding a spoonful of powdered sugar and starting at low revolutions, and then, gradually increasing the speed, beat the sour cream. Without stopping to beat, in the same way enter into it the oil softened at the room temperature.

8. Place the thawed cherry on the bottom biscuit. Cover the berries with half of the cream and put the next cake. Apply a thin layer of cream on the side faces of the cake, and put the rest on the top cake and gently level it.

9. Decorate the surface of the molded dessert with coarsely grated chocolate and place in the cold for a couple of hours.

Black Prince cake on kefir without alcohol-impregnated eggs

Biscuit made according to this recipe has a neutral taste and may well fit for a vegetarian homemade cake. Cakes require additional soaking. For this you can use concentrated sugar syrup, sparse jam. In this recipe, the impregnation will be prepared on the basis of liquid honey with alcohol. Ingredients:

• seven tablespoons of non-aromatic vegetable oil;

• 320 gr. high-quality flour;

• a glass of sour kefir;

• one and a half spoonfuls of a ripper or one baking soda;

• three spoons of cocoa.

For impregnation:

• any liquid honey - 2 tbsp. l .;

• two spoons of brandy or rum.

For cream:

• 100% slab of chocolate, bitter;

• 180 gr. fresh butter (no spread);

• condensed milk Gostovskaya - 1 bank.

Cooking Method:

1. Lightly heat the kefir. You should not do this on the stove, otherwise you can not guess with the temperature and the fermented milk product will curdle. Place the packaging for half an hour in hot water.

2. Pour the heated kefir into a bowl, add any of the rippers and mix well.

3. As soon as the reaction starts, air bubbles will appear on the surface and the kefir will start to foam slightly, enter the sugar mixed with cocoa. Thoroughly stir, bring the mixture to homogeneity. At the end enter vegetable oil.

4. Add double-seeded flour and whisk with a whisk, combine it with kefir mixture.

5. Fill in a batter filled with butter shape. Send it for 30-40 minutes. in the oven. Cool the baked biscuit on the grill and cut it into two thicknesses, or, if possible, into three parts.

6. In half a glass of boiled chilled water, dilute the alcoholic drink with honey. Apply the prepared solution with a brush, soak both cakes. You can moisten biscuit blanks by spraying the mixture from the spray. Biscuits soak better and more evenly.

7. Cut the butter, transfer to a bowl and let it lightly melt, keeping at room temperature. Then, beating at medium speed of the mixer, in small portions enter condensed milk into it. Stop whipping when the oil cream becomes homogeneous.

8. On a large grater rub chocolate. Leave a third of the crumbs for decoration, and mix the rest with the cream.

9. Coating the soaked cakes with a cream, form a cake. On its sides, apply a thin layer of cream mass, and sprinkle the top of the delayed chocolate crumb.

Chocolate cake “Black Prince” on kefir with nuts

Chocolate biscuit cakes on kefir are soaked with coffee syrup, which saturates the cake with its characteristic taste and aroma. Whole condensed milk goes to the butter cream. His, as well as a biscuit, should be supplemented with cocoa. On top of the cake is covered with beautiful chocolate icing, chopped nuts decorate the dessert and pour the cream layer.


• high-quality margarine or high-fat butter cream - 100 g;

• large eggs - 3 pcs .;

• 200 gr. refined sugar;

• two glasses of premium flour;

• full glass of kefir;

• quicklime soda - 1 tsp;

• 50 gr. dry cocoa powder;

• crystal vanilla.

For impregnation:

• liquid jam (syrup only) - a quarter cup.

In cream:

• whole condensed milk - 0.5 standard tin;

• 75 gr. cocoa powder;

• 300 gr. natural 72% butter.

For the glaze:

• three tablespoons of softened butter;

• cocoa powder - 60 g .;

• 125 grams of granulated sugar;

• cow's milk - 80 ml.


• a small handful of peeled walnuts;

• 50 grams of chocolate - dark and white.

Cooking Method:

1. Pour the soda in the heated yogurt, stir and set aside temporarily aside.

2. Remove the butter or margarine from the refrigerator beforehand, it is easier to work with a softened product.

3. Stir in cocoa sugar, in a separate bowl, whip eggs with a fork.

4. Begin to beat the softened fat at low speed mixer. Just two seconds later, add sugar, and after a couple of seconds, add eggs. Without stopping the process, slowly pour kefir. Beat it all together for another minute and put the mixer aside; you will not need it yet.

5. Pour the sifted flour at least two times and stir it into the kefir base with a spoon, making it move upwards.

6. Pour the biscuit dough into the moistened butter and well-sprinkled cocoa form, and immediately send it to the already heated oven. According to this recipe, the temperature during baking is strictly 180 degrees! 7. Carefully place the sponge cake out of the mold and place on the wire rack, then cut into the cake layers.

8. Prepare the cream. Soft but not melted too, whisk butter with a mixer with cocoa. To make the filler dissolve better, add it to the oil, crossing it through a strainer. Still beating, pour in a thin stream all condensed milk and continue the work of the mixer until the cream reaches absolute homogeneity.

9. Slightly dilute the jam with boiled water so that the impregnation is not cloying, but at the same time it does not turn out to be too liquid. It is better to take a currant, it will give the cake a subtle sourness.

10. Walnuts slightly fry on the dry surface of the pan, then cool and chop, but not crumb. Use for this a heavy knife.

11. Saturate the cakes, pouring every inch of the surface of the spoon with the prepared syrup. Then smear them with cream, sprinkle with nuts and form a cake.

12. Cook the chocolate icing. Heat the milk on a small fire, add cocoa with sugar and mix to avoid lumps. Then immediately put the butter and, stirring, bring to a boil. Cool, but not completely. Too hot fudge will drain on the cake, and when completely cooled it may thicken.

13. Cover the entire surface with chocolate icing, and rub the white chocolate over the large grater.

Black Prince cake on kefir with custard

Biscuit cakes for this cake can be baked according to any recipe described above. Its feature is a layer of custard, sprinkled with a mixture of coconut and chocolate chips. Thick custard does not saturate the cakes, it gives the cake tenderness, being a separate layer.

Ingredients for cream:

• half a liter of non-skimmed milk;

• two fresh large eggs;

• two-thirds cup of sugar;

• 30 gr. dry starch;

• vanilla powder or sugar - 1 sachet;

• 50 gr. sweet cream high-grade butter.


• white coconut chips;

• dark chocolate without fillers.

Cooking Method: 1. Start making the cream while the biscuit is baked. Mix milk with vanilla and bring it to a boil over medium heat.

2. In a hotel bowl, mix the starch with sugar and eggs, and beat well. Then, intensively stirring, pour in quickly, but in a thin stream, well warmed milk and put on the most minimal heat.

3. While stirring, bring the base of the cream to a boil, boil a minute and remove from heat. Put the butter and stir until it melts and mixes with the cream.

4. Wrap the container with the resulting mass in several layers of film, making sure that it does not come into contact with the surface of the mass, and leave to cool.

5. Grind grated chocolate, add coconut chips, mix.

6. Cut the sponge cake to room temperature and cut it in half and place the bottom part on a plate. Liberally lubricate it with cooled custard, sprinkle a layer of it with a mixture of chocolate and coconut chips.

7. Top with the top of the biscuit and just as well cover the cake with cream over the entire surface. Powder coconut-chocolate chips.

Black Prince cake on coffee-flavored kefir

It is necessary to bake three biscuit cakes on kefir, from one portion of the dough prepared according to the first recipe. For the impregnation of the cake will be used syrup based on coffee and brandy. In the cream layer will go butter cream with condensed milk.


For impregnation:

• strong coffee - one and a half glasses;

• tablespoon of brandy;

• 100 gr. Sahara.

In cream:

• a small jar of boiled whole condensed milk;

• 400 gr. quality 72% butter;

• small bag of vanilla powder;

• three dessert spoons of cocoa powder without added sugar.

Cooking Method:

1. Bring coffee to a boil. Add all the sugar measure and continue cooking, stirring until it is completely dissolved. Remove the coffee syrup from the stove and cool well. Pour in brandy, mix.

2. Stir the cocoa strainer with vanilla and add to the softened butter, whisk. Put boiled condensed milk into the oil base and once again go over it with a mixer. It should be a smooth, fairly thick cream. 3. Put on the dish one of the cooled cakes, pour it with coffee impregnation and immediately mix it with cream. Similarly, do the second cake, putting it on top of the first. Apply a thin layer of cream onto the third soaked biscuit. Also promezhte and sides of the cake.

4. Design dessert can be finely worn chocolate or chopped nuts or their mixture.

Black Prince cake on kefir - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Kefir is desirable to warm slightly in advance by lowering the package in hot water. The cold product does not extinguish the rippers badly, which significantly affects the quality of the finished cakes.

• Since the cakes have a dark color, it is not recommended to sprinkle the oil layer on the bottom and walls of the form with bread crumbs or semolina. Use for this cocoa powder. The edges of the biscuits will not have bright inclusions of powder.

• The oven baking temperature is standard - 180 degrees, but the duration is indicated approximately. It depends on the specific oven and may not correspond to prescription recommendations. Therefore, before you get a biscuit, check its readiness, and best of all, do it in half an hour from the moment of baking.

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