The perfect dinner is a cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker. Recipes cottage cheese casserole with semolina and without semolina in the slow cooker for the joy of all

The perfect dinner is a cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker. Recipes cottage cheese casserole with semolina and without semolina in the slow cooker for the joy of all

Dinner should be light and well digested, but this is not enough. It is also necessary that it be tasty and delight the household, because this is often the only common meal of the day. But that's not all. Dinner should consist of dishes that are fairly easy and quick to prepare, because the hostess usually comes from work tired, she has neither the strength nor the time to cook something complicated.

So, cottage cheese casserole with semolina in the slow cooker is one of the best options for dinner. It is certainly useful and contains the necessary trace elements, it is easily digested and does not require any special expenses.

In addition, cottage cheese casserole with semolina in a slow cooker is prepared very easily and does not require the presence of the hostess and her vigilant attention. It is only necessary to mix the ingredients and put them in a multicooker bowl. A convenient device that greatly facilitates the work of women in the kitchen will follow the time itself.

General principles for cooking curd casseroles in a slow cooker

Cottage cheese casserole with semolina or without semolina in a slow cooker can be prepared with a variety of additives that will allow you to prepare a healthy dish if necessary a couple of times a week, without repeating.

What ingredients can vary? Almost everything (except, of course, cottage cheese): you can make cottage cheese casserole with semolina in a multicooker without eggs, you can not add kefir, you can make a savory dish. You can even do without cereals and cook cottage cheese casserole without decoys in a slow cooker. A variety of goodies are also used as additives: raisins, dried apricots, dried, frozen, canned and fresh berries and fruits, chocolate, condensed milk, and cheese and greens in a savory casserole.

Cottage cheese casserole without decoys in a slow cooker is recommended to be prepared for those who would like to lose some weight or, for health reasons, have to limit starch consumption. But the dish still turns out lush and tasty, if properly baked. You need to follow a few simple rules.

First, not to violate the instruction for the slow cooker.

Secondly, to give the finished casserole to stand, without opening the lid of the multicooker. Then the dish will not settle.

Third, to decorate the pale top of the dish with fruit, jam, chocolate, cream and so on.

Many people like to serve this yummy with a sauce that can be made from jam or fruit with the addition of starch (you need to take it to taste, but more than jelly). However, in this case, it is better to cook the cottage cheese casserole without decoys in the slow cooker: the dish will be very satisfying anyway.

Recipe 1 Cottage cheese casserole with semolina in the “Easier Simple”


  • Cottage cheese - 400 g
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Sugar and semolina - in a pair of spoons with top
  • Salt - pinch
  • Vanilla sugar - a spoon
  • Lubricating oil

Method of preparation

  1. Cottage cheese, if necessary, pass through a sieve or meat grinder and mix through a blender (or just with a fork) with eggs.
  2. Stir semolina, salt, sugar and vanilla sugar and let stand 5 - 7 minutes.
  3. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil and put cottage cheese dough into it. Slightly level the top of the semi-finished product and turn on the slow cooker by setting the “Baking” mode and time of 45 minutes.
  4. When the casserole is prepared, let it stand for another 10 minutes, then carefully put it on top of the dish, and upside down with a beautiful crust.
  5. You can decorate with berries or pour over chocolate.

Recipe 2 Cottage cheese casserole without decoy in the multi-cooker “Polosatik”


  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Curd cheese 9% - half a kilo
  • Cocoa - 2 tablespoons
  • Chocolate 70% - 50 g
  • Sour cream - 3 spoons
  • Cream 20% - 1 spoon
  • Lubricating oil
  • Sugar - half a cup

Method of preparation

  1. Beat eggs with a mixer, add granulated sugar to them and beat again.
  2. Cottage cheese mixed with sour cream, and then add the egg mixture. Knead well.
  3. Divide the dough into two parts and mix in one cocoa.
  4. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with butter and spread the dough alternately in a few spoons of white or cocoa.
  5. When both doughs are finished, slightly level the surface. Insert a long torch vertically to the bottom in the middle and draw a spiral from the center to the edge with it.
  6. Turn on baking mode for three quarters of an hour. Give the finished casserole to stand a little in a closed multicooker.
  7. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate in a water bath or in a microwave. Mix it with a spoonful of cream.
  8. Remove the casserole on a dish and decorate by drawing circles or a spiral with chocolate. You can just lubricate.

Recipe 3: Cottage cheese casserole without decoy in the bilberry multi-cooker

This cottage cheese casserole without decoys in a slow cooker can be cooked not only with blueberries, but also with black currants, cherries, cherries, and other berries. But with blueberries, it looks the most decorative, and you shouldn’t miss an additional reason to enjoy useful berries in the season.


  • Cottage cheese - 400 g (it makes sense to take a soft, 5-9% fat)
  • Sugar powder - a glass
  • Blueberry - one and a half glass
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Starch - 2 spoons without top
  • Lubricating oil
  • Salt - pinch
  • Sour cream (if necessary) - a pair of spoons
  • Vanilla sugar - teaspoon

Method of preparation

  1. Beat the egg whites well, gradually filling the powder.
  2. Mix the yolks with cottage cheese, add salt, starch and vanilla sugar. If it is too cool, add a little sour cream and knead thoroughly.
  3. Combine with proteins and mix gently (preferably manually).
  4. Prepare blueberries: wash, sort, remove leaves and twigs, if they are caught.
  5. Gently mix half the berries into the dough.
  6. Place half of the dough in a greased cup of the multicooker, smooth it out. Sprinkle evenly with the remaining blueberries. Top with remaining dough.
  7. Level the top. Bake for “Baking” mode for about 45 minutes, let stand.
  8. Take out the casserole and serve with condensed milk and fresh blueberries.

Recipe 4: Curd casserole with semolina in a slow cooker with condensed milk


  • Eggs - 5 pieces
  • Medium-fat cottage cheese (5–9%) - half a kilo
  • Manka - half a glass
  • Boiled condensed milk - half-banks
  • Sugar - if desired
  • Kefir - a glass
  • Baking Powder - teaspoon
  • Raisins - a glass

Method of preparation

  1. Manku pour kefir and swell for half an hour in the refrigerator.
  2. Beat egg whites with a mixer.
  3. Cottage cheese with yolks, baking powder and condensed milk mixed separately. Add semolina with kefir, mix the raisins and try the resulting dough. If, to your taste, not sweet enough, add a spoonful of sugar, you can two.
  4. If everything is normal, gently stir in the whipped whites.
  5. Pour the mixture into an oiled bowl and bake for 50 minutes under the “Baking” mode.
  6. Let the baked pudding stand for at least 15 minutes and only then get it.

Recipe 5 Cottage cheese casserole with semolina in the Tropic multicooker


  • Semolina - half a glass
  • A banana is one big
  • Cottage cheese - 400 g
  • Natural yoghurt (you can take it with some “tropical” flavor, but then put a little less sugar) - 250 ml
  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Canned pineapple - 4-5 washers
  • Coconut Chips - Handful
  • Baking Powder - teaspoon
  • Vanilla sugar - bag
  • Salt - pinch
  • Sugar - half a cup
  • Oil - a piece to lubricate the bowl

Method of preparation

  1. Pour semolina and coconut chips with yogurt. If it is thick, add a couple of tablespoons of pineapple syrup.
  2. Pineapples chop the blender into mashed potatoes.
  3. Pound the yolks with sugar and vanilla sugar, add pineapples, salt, baking powder. Then mix in the swollen semolina and mix everything well.
  4. Whip the egg whites into the foam and piece by piece into the dough.
  5. Peel banana and cut into circles.
  6. Place half of the mass in a greased bowl, cover with banana slices, cover with a second layer of cottage cheese dough and send to the slow cooker for 45 minutes with the “Baking” mode.
  7. Hold the finished casserole for about a quarter of an hour, and then remove and serve with fruit or whipped cream.

Recipe 6: Cottage cheese casserole without decoy in the “Spicy” multicooker


  • Cottage cheese - 300 g
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Kostroma-type cheese - 250 g
  • Dill - half-bunch
  • Cumin - a tablespoon (can be without it)
  • Garlic - 1 small clove
  • Sour cream - a pair of spoons
  • Butter, breadcrumbs

Method of preparation

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks and whip to a foam.
  2. Mix the yolks with finely grated cheese and cottage cheese rubbed through a colander. Chop the greens very finely, skip the garlic through a press, mix with sour cream and combine with the curd.
  3. Crush the cumin in a mortar or grind it in a mill and add to the dough.
  4. The dough for this casserole is better not to salt: cheese and so salty. If you really like salt, add a little bit and try.
  5. Carefully, stir in the whipped squirrels.
  6. Smear the bowl with any oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs (if there are no crackers, use semolina). Put the curd mass.
  7. Place the bowl in the slow cooker and cook for 45 minutes (Baking mode). Let stand for 15 minutes with the lid closed and only then reach.
  8. If desired, you can sprinkle the top of the finished casserole with cheese and herbs.

Cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker - tricks and tips

  • To make the product more magnificent, eggs should be whipped with a mixer and spent 5 minutes on the process. Not bad and beat the whites separately and then mix it into the dough separately using a spatula.
  • You can also add soda, slaked by lemon.
  • You can add chopped citrus zest to any cottage cheese casserole: orange or lemon in the sweet casserole, and lime in the sweet one.
  • If you decide to put frozen berries in the dough, thaw them beforehand by placing them in a colander above the bowl. Grossed juice can then be used in compote or sauce, and pour the berries with powdered sugar and only then put in curd mass, which after that is only slightly mixed with a spatula so as not to mash.
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