How to cook peas: yellow, green, brown? Different ways of cooking dried, fresh and frozen peas: simple and complex recipes

How to cook peas: yellow, green, brown? Different ways of cooking dried, fresh and frozen peas: simple and complex recipes

Delicious, fragrant and healthy peas are known in many cuisines of the world.

In Russia, it is used to make porridges, soups, salads, vegetarian "cutlets", casseroles, mashed potatoes.

Especially passionate admirers of pea pod boil kissels and prepare puddings.

Boiled green peas - a great side dish to meat or fish dish.

Such a dish is prepared from fresh or frozen product, and after cooking, the peas do not lose their beneficial substances and properties.

How to Cook Peas - General Cooking Principles

Young or inexperienced housewives often do not know how to cook peas, and may even spoil the product. In fact, nothing complicated, you just need to take into account some of the features of the fruits of this wonderful legume plant.

Cooking technology depends on exactly which product - dried, fresh or frozen is used. Dry peas must be soaked before cooking in water at room temperature. To do this, the grains are washed in one or two waters (depending on the degree of dustiness with pea flour), then they are poured with water about two fingers from the surface of the raw material.

Whole peas should be soaked for five hours, less crushed - two hours. The bottom line is that the grain is well swollen and quickly boiled soft. Before filling with water, they need to be sorted, removed tainted, rotten, darkened, dirty and just dubious peas and particles.

When soaking for a long time, the water should be changed at least once. Ideally, a new portion of pure water can be poured into the grain once an hour and a half. Therefore, it is not very good to soak dried legumes for the night, although many housewives do just that, having decided to cook peas in the morning.

In principle, it is possible to do altogether from pre-soaking, but only in two cases: either there is absolutely no time for it, or there is a slow cooker in the kitchen that can cope even with such a capricious product.

How to boil peas after soaking? Until ready, pour a portion of fresh cold water. The time can vary from half an hour to one and a half or even two, depending on the soaking time, the variety and the quality of the grains. It is important that it is impossible to salt out before the end of cooking: salt is added at the very end of the process, when the peas are almost ready. If you have fresh or frozen peas, then naturally, it is not necessary to soak them. Green peas are thrown into boiling water immediately and boiled for five to twenty minutes on high heat.

How to cook dried peas

Most often, the hostesses cook yellow peas (mustard-colored), dried - just such is sold in stores. The upper shells on it are preserved, and in the process of cooking, they will flake off. In the future, the skin is either left or disposed of by rubbing the ready pea mass through a sieve.


• a glass of peas;

• three glasses of water;

• butter;

• salt.


Prepared city pour water for two hours.

Drain the water, rinse the grain twice with running water.

Pour a measured amount of fresh water.

Put the pan on a large fire and bring to a boil.

The fire is reduced to medium, cook until done.

Periodically you need to try for readiness, the first time - half an hour after boiling.

Formed foam to remove skimmer or spoon.

If necessary, top up with a little water so that the grains are completely boiled soft.

As soon as the grains are ready, salt (about a quarter of a spoonful of salt in a glass of cereal).

Add butter to taste or wipe for further use in suitable recipes.

How to boil crushed peas

Crushed peas are easier to prepare. Its peculiarity is in the absence of fruit casings: the grains are not just split, but also polished. There are no difficulties with how to cook crushed-ground peas, no: just like solid, only less than half the time.


• two glasses of crushed peas;

• six glasses of cold drinking water;

• butter sweet cream or any vegetable;

• some salt.


Pour the washed crushed product with water in a ratio of one to two (you can take a smaller amount than indicated in the ingredients).

Put on a small fire.

As soon as the water begins to boil, add a spoonful of butter or vegetable oil.

Boil the peas for half an hour, making sure that the water does not boil over.

To prevent peas from burning, pour boiling water or hot (not cold!) Water in small portions into it.

After half an hour, taste the grain. If the middle is still hard, continue cooking. As soon as the grains have boiled thoroughly, drain the excess water, knead the peas or cool them as they are.

How to cook green peas

Boiled green fresh peas - an excellent side dish. Both adults and children love him, and especially housewives: compared to the dried product, fresh does not require any prior preparation and is cooked almost instantly. An important caveat: the water before boiling the peas must be boiled.


• green peas - fresh or frozen;

• drinking water;

• salt.


Pour into a saucepan a large amount of water, bring to a boil.

Put fresh or frozen grains in parts in the pan so that the cooking process does not stop.

Frozen product is not necessary to defrost.

After secondary boiling cook over high heat until soft peas. The first time you can try for readiness in five minutes.

Ensure that the shell of the grain remains intact, not burst (that is, not to digest).

Throw in a colander, then in the dish.

Salt or preserve the natural flavor (if the peas are boiled for salad).

How to cook peas in a multicooker

One of the miraculous properties of the multicooker is its ability to cook soft, tasty peas from dried grains completely without soaking. A crushed product turns out to be especially pleasant, homogeneous, beautiful, although the solid product is just as good.


• two glasses of crushed peas;

• four glasses of drinking water;

• one third of a spoonful of salt (you can eat more or less to your own taste).


Wash peas until clear water.

Pour into the slow cooker.

To fill with water.

Cook on fire for two hours.

During this time, the grain is guaranteed to boil, and you can salt it from before and after cooking.

How to Cook Chickpeas

Chickpea chickpeas in cooking is not much different from the usual pea grain. Is that a touch and a light nutty aroma.


• glass of chickpea;

• four glasses of clean water;

• salt to your own taste.


Rinse the beans.

Pour chickpeas with water for swelling just like regular peas, in a ratio of one to four. Soaking time is four hours.

Water to drain.

Grains pour a new portion of water in the same ratio. Cook on medium heat until soft for about an hour.

Half an hour before the end of cooking, salt. If the chickpea is going to prepare mashed potatoes for further use, salt is not necessary.

How to Cook Peas - Tricks and Tips & Tricks

  • Peas cannot be salted immediately: this will slow down the cooking process. However, this property of grain can be used. If it boils on top, and inside is still hard, then you can add some salt to the water. So the upper part of the legumes will not melt completely, and the little one will have time to “reach”.
  • If you add a little ordinary soda to the water while cooking, the peas will boil faster and turn into puree. However, the taste of the dish will be changed.
  • If the water in which the peas are soaked in does not change or overexpose the grains in water, then they can sour, and the boiling water will be worse.
  • Fresh freshly boiled peas must be dipped in cold water to stop the cooking process, and then put into a container and stored in a refrigerator. To warm up the dish, the grains are then simply heated in hot water with the addition of a spoon of butter.
  • It is necessary to cook peas in a slow cooker on the extinguishing mode: no other will work.
  • It is impossible to soak peas and chickpeas in hot water. Need cold, from the tap or room temperature. From hot water, the protein in the protective skin will coagulate, and the grain will be longer and worse to boil over.
  • It is impossible to boil peas in the same water in which the grains were soaked. It has an unpleasant taste and can spoil the dish.
  • If the water boils from the peas during the cooking process, it should be added, but only boiling water. When cold water is injected, the upper part of the grain will digest and the core will remain solid.
  • When cooking green peas, a spoonful of sugar added to the water will help to preserve its bright cheerful color, and a sprig of fresh garden mint will add spice and taste.
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