Simple cherry jam in a slow cooker. Recipes cherry jam in a slow cooker, with brandy, nuts and jelly

Simple cherry jam in a slow cooker. Recipes cherry jam in a slow cooker, with brandy, nuts and jelly

Cherry jam is a wonderful sweetness.

And in the compote add, and stuffed pies, and just with bread and butter for tea. And, because you can make exotic sweets from cherries, and such that even experienced gourmets will only shake their heads.

Cherry jam in a slow cooker - general principles of preparation

• For jam, take a well-matured cherry. So that the juicy berries do not lose their juice, they are first washed and only after that the stalks are torn off, if necessary, the bones are removed.

• There are many ways to cook cherry jam. It is prepared with and without stones. Berries are taken whole or crushed. Often cherries stuffed with pistachio or other nuts. Unusual original cherry jam is cooked with gooseberries, in which large berries are laid pitted cherries.

• The main components of any jam are cherries and sugar, which is filled with berries. Often syrup is separately boiled from granulated sugar to which water can be added. Berries are dipped into the hot syrup and subsequently received according to the recipe.

• To make cherry jam have a thicker consistency, gelatin or alcohol is often added to it when cooked, and cinnamon flavor is often flavored. Lemon slices can give it a particular sourness and delicate citrus aroma.

• Prepared cherry jam is packaged only hot and sealed tightly for long-term storage.

Cherry jam in the slow cooker - “Cherry in jelly”


• full liter jar of cherries with remote bones;

• 400 gr. sugar;

• 25 gr. “Fast” gelatin.

Cooking Method:

1. Place the prepared seedless berries in advance in the cooking container, and combine with the sugar.

2. Start the slow cooker in the “Quenching” mode and cook, slowly stirring, until the crystals are completely dissolved and the syrup is boiled.

3. Pour gelatin with 500 ml of cold water and leave. It should swell well.

4. When the jam in the bowl boils, add the swollen gelatin and mix well. 5. After that, boil the cherry jam in the slow cooker for another minute.

6. Then stir well again, put up and cork in clean jars.

Cherry jam in a slow cooker with raspberries


• two kilos of refined sugar;

• one kilogram of ripe raspberries;

• pitted cherry berries - 1 kg.

Cooking Method:

1. Pour sugar into the bowl and cook the syrup by melting it in the “Soup” mode.

2. Then pour a little less than half a liter of water into it, lower the pitted cherries and bring to the boil in the same way. Turn off the multicooker.

3. After half an hour, turn on again and bring to a boil. Disconnect again for half an hour and so repeat five times.

4. The last time, five minutes before boiling, pour the dried raspberries in the bowl and immediately after boiling, turn off the slow cooker.

5. Pour hot cherry raspberry jam over clean cans and roll up sterile lids.

Cherry jam in a slow cooker with pistachios


• pistachios - 300 gr .;

• one kilogram of sugar;

• half a small lemon;

• one kilo cherries.

Cooking Method:

1. Pistachios clean, rinse and fry in a dry frying pan for about 10 minutes. Cool and remove all husks.

2. Scald lemon with boiling water. Cut lengthwise, halved and cut each half into thin half rings.

3. Remove pits from cherries, and in their place lay pistachios.

4. Mix granulated sugar from 100 ml of water in the cooking container and boil syrup in the “Soup” mode. Cool slightly.

5. Put cherries stuffed with pistachio into warm syrup and bring to the boil as before. Do not forget to remove the resulting foam.

6. After the boiling jam, turn off the slow cooker and let it stand for at least two hours. Repeat the procedure three times.

7. At the end of the preparation, place lemon half rings in cherry jam, mix well and put into cans. Roll up clean, boiled metal lids.

Simple cherry jam in a slow cooker (pitted)


• one kilo of ripe cherries; • kilo of sugar.

Cooking Method:

1. Rinse the cherries with cool water and dry. Remove bones, twist in a meat grinder.

2. Transfer the resulting berry mass to the slow cooker and add sugar.

3. Start the “saucepan” in the “Quenching” mode and, while constantly stirring, wait for boiling.

4. From now on, boil for exactly five minutes, arrange the ready-made jam in clean containers and roll up. If the berries produce too much juice, increase the boiling time to a quarter of an hour.

Cherry jam in a multicooker - “Drunk cherry”


• ripe cherry with pits - 1 kg;

• 200 ml of brandy;

• granulated sugar - 250 grams;

• ground cinnamon - to taste;

• one and a half glasses of filtered drinking water.

Cooking Method:

1. Pierce clean berries in several places.

2. Pour water into the brew bowl, add half of the cooked sugar into it and melt it in the soup cooking mode to make a thin syrup.

3. Add a small pinch of cinnamon, cherries and beat the berries in the syrup for five minutes.

4. Shumovka gently lay out the cherries of syrup and dry on the sieve. When cool, transfer to sterile containers.

5. Add the rest of the sugar to the syrup and dissolve it without changing the cooking mode.

6. After that, boil the syrup for another two minutes and add just as much brandy as the syrup.

7. Mix well and pour sugar and brandy mixture laid out on the banks of berries. Roll up.

8. This jam must be insisted for at least a month.

Cherry jam in a multi-cooker - “Marmalade”


• one and a half kilograms of cherries;

• 500 gr. white sugar;

• a quarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon powder;

• 10 ml of alcohol.

Cooking Method:

1. Tear off the stalks, wash the berries with cold water and dry well. Remove bones.

2. An incomplete handful of stones should be crushed with a hammer and tied with a bag into three gauze folded.

3. Twist the berries in a meat grinder or perebite blender.

4. Pour the cherry mass into the cooking bowl and place a bag of bones in it. 5. Start the slow cooker in the “Quenching” program and boil, constantly removing the foam from the surface until it starts to thicken.

6. Lay out a bundle with bones. Add in three receptions all sugar, well mixing when adding the next portion.

7. After that, boil the jam for another quarter of an hour.

8. At the end of cooking, add the cinnamon and, stirring quickly, add alcohol.

9. Pour thickened jam on dry prepared canning jars and roll up.

Cherry jam in a multicooker with bones


• one kilo cherries;

• 1.5 kg refined sugar;

• 800 ml of drinking filtered water.

Cooking Method:

1. Separate the stalks from the cherries, wash the berries and pierce each one in several places.

2. Start the multicooker on the “Soup” option. Combine in a cooking bowl a little less than half a liter of water with 800 grams of granulated sugar and cook, ensuring that the crystals crystallize completely.

3. Put the prepared berries into a hot syrup and soak in it for at least 3 hours.

4. Turn on the “Soup” option again and, after boiling, boil the jam for another 7 minutes.

5. Then put the cherries in a separate bowl, and simmer the syrup for five minutes.

6. Put the berries back into the bowl with the syrup and add the remaining sugar. Cook while stirring until it dissolves.

7. Then close the lid, change the option to “Quenching” and bring to readiness.

8. Prepack on clean, prepared for canning jars, cover them with sterile metal lids and close with a sealing key.

Cherry jam in a multicooker - “Original” (with gooseberry)


• large berries of gooseberry - 500 gr .;

• 0.7 l. drinking water;

• half a kilo of cherries;

• a quarter cup ground cinnamon.

Cooking Method:

1. Sort out the cherry, tear off the stalks and rinse well. Use a special tool or pin to choose from the bones.

2. At the gooseberry pinch off the tails and remove the stem. Cut each berry of gooseberry on the side. Select the seeds carefully and put the cherries in their place. 3. In a slow cooker, boil the syrup on the “Soup” mode made from granulated sugar, cinnamon and water.

4. Put boiled gooseberries in boiling syrup and cook for about a quarter of an hour.

5. Remove the bowl from the body and set the jam aside for 4 hours. Then again boil a quarter of an hour and again set aside for four hours. Repeat this procedure from three to five times, until the desired syrup density.

Cherry jam in a multicooker with walnut kernels


• 200 gr. nut hearts;

• 1.5 kilograms of sugar;

• kilo cherries.

Cooking Method:

1. Choose from washed cherries. Put the berries in the cooking pot and sprinkle with sugar, leave to stand for half an hour. If you like sour jam, reduce the amount of sugar to one kilogram.

2. Then insert the bowl into the multicooker housing. Set the time on the timer for one hour and turn the device on “Quenching”.

3. No sooner than half an hour add the walnuts. Stir well and continue cooking until the end of the program.

Cherry jam in a slow cooker - cooking tricks and helpful tips

• There may be worms inside undamaged berries. If you need whole cherries with pits for cooking jam, soak them in saline beforehand, the pests will crawl out.

• If you are not the owner of a special device for removing bones, use a hairpin or a match. The hairpin is inserted into the berries from the side of the stalk by the curved side, it hooks the bone and removes it. A match pushes the bone through the hole left by the stem, pressing on it from the opposite side.

• Gooseberry seeds are convenient to choose a hairpin.

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