Siberian Lecho

Lecho ... This overseas dish with Hungarian roots has long been firmly established in the list of the favorite preparations of our hostesses. It is prepared as a classic recipe from tomatoes and peppers, and with the addition of other vegetables: onions, carrots, zucchini, eggplants, beans, etc. In Siberia, for example, lecho with the addition of onions and carrots is very popular. The recipe for Siberian lecho with onions and carrots is in this publication.

Siberian Lecho

Ingredients for Siberian Lecho

To make a Siberian treat, you will need:

  • 1, 7 kg of tomatoes;
  • 0, 5 kg of onions;
  • 0, 5 kg of Bulgarian pepper;
  • 0, 5 kg of carrots;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 100 g of vegetable oil;
  • 25 g of salt (1 tablespoon without slides);
  • 1 teaspoon of vinegar essence

Method of cooking Siberian lecho

First you need to prepare the vegetables: rinse well, peel the onions and carrots, remove the tail and seeds from the peppers. Chop tomatoes or chop through a meat grinder.

Siberian Lecho

Carrots need to be cut into strips. Onion ─ half rings. Pepper is also half-rings, only wider than onions.

Siberian Lecho Siberian Lecho Siberian Lecho

Put the saucepan with the tomatoes on the fire.

Siberian Lecho

When it boils, add carrots, onions and peppers.

Siberian Lecho

Cooking time in Siberian lecho ─ 30 minutes over medium heat. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, gently pour in vegetable oil and at the very end of the vinegar.

Siberian Lecho

Siberian Lecho is ready! It remains only to hot decompose on pre-sterilized banks.

Siberian Lecho

Eat on health!

Photo: Lena Tsynkevich

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