Steamed fish in a slow cooker is a dietary supplement to the side dish. The best recipes for steamed fish in a slow cooker: trout, cod, hake, etc.

Steamed fish in a slow cooker is a dietary supplement to the side dish. The best recipes for steamed fish in a slow cooker: trout, cod, hake, etc.

Steamed fish in a slow cooker is the best dish for lovers of tasty food, but at the same time adhere to the principles of healthy eating.

This method of cooking allows you to save the maximum benefit in the fish.

Steamed fish in a slow cooker - basic cooking principles

Steamed fish in a slow cooker is quite simple to cook. In addition, this method allows you to cook fish simultaneously with a side dish.

Fish clean, cut fins, tail and head. You can cook it whole, cut into steaks or disassemble on filet. Then the fish is washed under a tap and rubbed with spices and salt, or marinated.

Water is poured into the bowl of the device and they activate the “steamed” mode. In a special container-double boiler lay out the fish and set it in the bowl of the device. The lid is closed. The valve is transferred to the “closed” position and prepared for half an hour.

For the holiday table, you can cook fish under cheese with vegetables. To do this, the fillet is smeared with mayonnaise, spread on top of onions and slices of tomatoes. All sprinkled with cheese and steamed for half an hour.

Recipe 1. Steamed fish in a slow cooker: salmon with vegetables


  • 300 g salmon fillet;
  • greens;
  • 50 g sour cream;
  • spices for fish;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • salt;
  • 100 g cauliflower;
  • some canned corn;
  • 100 g green beans.

Preparation Method

1. Cut a stem from a Bulgarian pepper and clean the seeds. Wash and dice. Green beans cut into small pieces. Cauliflower disassembled into inflorescences and washed.

2. Rinse the salmon fillet under the tap and dry with napkins. Rub the fish with a mixture of salt and spices and richly lubricate with sour cream.

3. Put the salmon on the steaming rack. Around distribute vegetables and lightly salt.

4. The device is translated into the mode of "a couple." Pour half a liter of water into the bowl and set the grate with fish on top. Lower the lid and cook the fish for 25 minutes. Fish served with steamed vegetables and canned corn.

Recipe 2. Steamed fish in a slow cooker: tender sea bass


  • a bunch of lettuce leaves;
  • two small carcasses of sea bass;
  • 750 ml of filtered water;
  • average carrot;
  • black pepper;
  • lemon;
  • two bay leaves.

Preparation Method

1. Clean the sea bass from the scales, remove the gills from the head, make a cut along the abdomen and remove the insides. On the sides of the sea bass we make longitudinal shallow cuts. Sprinkle the carcass with spices for the fish and leave it soaked with the aromas of spices.

2. Clean the carrots, wash and chop them into circles. Lemon rinsed, wiped and cut the same way as carrots.

3. Pour water into the bowl of the device, set the container and place the fish in it. On each side lay the lemon and carrot slices. Put the bay leaves.

4. Activate the program "a couple", close the lid and cook the fish for half an hour. Dish is covered with lettuce leaves and we put on them sea bass, vegetables and lemon slices. Served with potato garnish.

Recipe 3. Steamed fish in a slow cooker: cod in cheese-cream sauce


  • two cod steaks;
  • ground pepper mixture;
  • two small bulbs;
  • salt;
  • 5 ml of lemon juice;
  • 100 g low-fat sour cream;
  • 100 grams of cheese.

Preparation Method

1. Rinse cod steaks under running water. Lightly dry. Sprinkle, salt and sprinkle fish with lemon juice on all sides.

2. Place the fish on the rack for steaming.

3. Clean the onions, wash and chop thin half rings. Spread evenly on steaks.

4. Cheese large three. Cod pour sour cream and sprinkle with plenty of cheese.

5. We lower the lid of the device and start the “steaming” mode for half an hour. Finished fish is served, sprinkle with finely chopped greens with fresh vegetables.

Recipe 4. Steamed fish in a slow cooker: mackerel with rice garnish


  • two mackerel carcasses;
  • salt;
  • two tomatoes;
  • ground pepper;
  • 700 g of cheese;
  • dill greens;
  • fourth of lemon;
  • a glass of rice;
  • bay leaf;
  • two glasses of purified water;
  • two onions;
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil;
  • carrot.

Preparation Method

1. Make a cut along the abdomen and remove the insides. We cut off the head and tail. Special kitchen scissors cut fins. Carefully wash the mackerel under the tap and cut into medium sized pieces. Put the fish in a bowl, salt, season with spices for the fish, mix and leave for ten minutes.

2. Peeled onion and my tomatoes and cut into slices.

3. We clean the carrots and chop straws. The second onion is finely crumbled. Wash rice, constantly changing the water until it becomes transparent.

4. Put the fish on the foil. Put on each piece of fish a circle of tomato and onion. Sprinkle the fish liberally with grated cheese and sprinkle with lemon juice. Put the dill sprigs on top. Wrap and transfer to steam cooking container.

5. Put the rice, carrot and onion in the bowl of the device. Pepper, salt and pour vegetable oil. Stir and pour water. From above we establish capacity with fish. We turn on the “rice” program and cook for 45 minutes. Spread rice on a plate, put fish on top for a couple.

Recipe 5. Steamed fish in a slow cooker: trout with spaghetti from vegetables


  • half a kilo of trout fillet;
  • kitchen salt;
  • lemon;
  • spices;
  • dill and parsley;
  • two cloves of garlic.
  • For spaghetti
  • eggplant;
  • salt;
  • zucchini;
  • zucchini;
  • spices;
  • 200 ml of dry white wine;
  • carrots.

Preparation Method

1. All vegetables are clean, wash and cut into long strips. Putting the vegetable straw in a deep dish and sprinkle with salt. Leave for ten minutes. Then we wash and place on a paper towel so that it dries. 2. Place the vegetable “spaghetti” in the tank for steaming. Pour dry wine into the bowl. Top set capacity with vegetables. We pepper, salt, cover and cook for 20 minutes in the “steamed” mode.

3. My trout fillet and dry. After the beep, remove the container of vegetables and shift them to the dish. We place fish fillets in their place, sprinkle with freshly squeezed lemon juice. We clean the chives and cut them in half. Greens rinsed and finely crumbled. Put the garlic and greens on the trout.

4. Fill the device bowl with water to the maximum mark. Install the container with the fish and cook in quenching mode for half an hour. Spread the cooked trout over the vegetables.

Recipe 6. Steamed fish in a slow cooker: mushroom hake


  • two hake carcasses;
  • table salt;
  • onion head;
  • half a liter of drinking water;
  • 200 g of champignons;
  • a bunch of green dill.

Preparation Method

1. Fish clean scales, cut off the fins and tail. If we see that it fits entirely in a container, prepare the carcass. Large fish cut in half.

2. Clean the bulb, cut into half rings. In the belly of the whole carcass we put onions and dill sprigs. Hake rub with a mixture of pepper and salt.

3. My champignons, remove the thin skin from the caps and trim the legs. Cut the mushrooms into large chunks.

4. Pour drinking water into the bowl. Put the carcass of the hake into the steaming tank. Spread the mushrooms, chopped onions and greens on top. Lightly salt it and set the container with the fish in the bowl. We lower the lid and launch the “steamed” mode. Cook for forty minutes and serve with potato garnish.

Recipe 7. Steamed fish in a slow cooker: pink salmon with new potatoes


  • two pink salmon carcasses;
  • several sprigs of fresh greens;
  • kg of new potatoes;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • large tomato;
  • lemon;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 40 g of hard cheese.

Preparation Method 1. Young potatoes take small or medium size. Clean the vegetable with an iron brush. Cut the middle tubers in half or in four.

2. Vegetable oil is poured into the bowl of the device, put potatoes and sour cream in it. Salt, season with spices and mix. Start the “baking” mode for a quarter of an hour and lower the lid.

3. In the meantime, we clean the pink salmon, cut the fins and wash with kitchen scissors. Dab the napkins and cut into small chunks. Each rubbed with spices for fish and salt. Cover the steaming container with foil and place the pink salmon in it.

4. Every piece of grease sour cream. Rinse the tomato and cut into circles. Cheese cut into thin slices. Lemon shred thin slices. For each piece of pink salmon we put a circle of tomato, a slice of cheese and a slice of lemon.

5. After the beep, open the lid and mix the potatoes. Top set the container with fish and cook in the "baking" forty minutes. Valve and cap must be closed. Put the potatoes on a plate, put the fish on top and sprinkle with freshly chopped dill.

Steamed fish in a slow cooker - tips and tricks

  • Experiment with spices and herbs. For example, you can put in the abdomen sprigs of cilantro or dill.
  • Steamed is better to prepare fresh or chilled fish.
  • To make the fish taste rich, pickle it or rub it with a mixture of salt and spices.
  • Steamed fish can be cooked with sauce; for this, you need to cover the steaming container with foil so that the sauce does not leak out through the holes.
  • Serve fish with any side dish or fresh vegetables.
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