Salted cucumbers in 15 minutes

It's great to crunch salted cucumbers, served with a plate of young potatoes - for such a summer dinner and cutlets are not necessary! Fragrant, appetizing - with garlic and dill!

Salted cucumbers in 15 minutes

Have you already wanted to try, not even the strength to wait for the cucumbers to ferment? And now I will tell you how to cook delicious salted cucumbers in just 15 minutes! And the glass container is not needed, since we will pickle cucumbers in a package. In the most ordinary sandwich bag. This method of salting is as unusual as it is so simple, and what a tasty treat it is!

Ingredients for salted cucumbers in 15 minutes:

  • Per 1 kg of cucumbers -
  • 1 tbsp. l coarse salt;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l vinegar;
  • A small bunch of dill;
  • 1 large or 2 small heads of garlic.
Salted cucumbers in 15 minutes

How to quickly cook salted cucumbers in a package:

Well we wash cucumbers. So that they are quickly and well soaked with spices, it is better to choose small cucumbers. But, if they have already grown to the size of a small zucchini, they also will do - only we use not entirely, but cut it into halves or quarters. In small cucumbers, it is enough to cut off the noses and tails.

Salted cucumbers in 15 minutes

We put prepared cucumbers in a food bag - clean, preferably new, and, of course, whole.

Now sprinkle spices on cucumbers. Salt we take large, not iodized - only ordinary table salt is suitable for salting, as from iodized and from small, such as “Extra”, pickled cucumbers become soft. This applies to preparations for the winter, but I think it is true for “quick” cucumbers.

Salted cucumbers in 15 minutes Salted cucumbers in 15 minutes Salted cucumbers in 15 minutes

Then pour some sugar.

Now pour in vegetable oil to cucumbers. You can take sunflower or olive oil - which one is more to your taste, the main thing is that the oil is fragrant, unrefined - with this you will get more wholesome and much tastier!

Next, pour in a spoonful of vinegar. Here you can also choose - ordinary table vinegar 9%, or fragrant grape or apple.

Salted cucumbers in 15 minutes

Peel the garlic, cut the teeth into small pieces, take three on a small grater or pass through the press and also add to the cucumbers.

Dill is dipped for 5 minutes in cold water, and when the dust is washed off the branches, rinsed under running water, slightly dried on a towel and finely cut. Pour the chopped dill to all the appetizing company. You can add other herbs, the taste and smell of which you like: parsley or cilantro, basil, celery, arugula.

Salted cucumbers in 15 minutes

Now carefully collect the top of the bag, letting the air out of it, and mix all the ingredients. Instantly turns out amazingly delicious cucumber salad! At this stage, I even like cucumbers more than after salting. Try to eat one right away! And put the rest for a couple of hours in the fridge, although you can eat “high-speed” cucumbers even earlier - in 15-30 minutes.

Salted cucumbers in 15 minutes

Such light-salted cucumbers can be stored in the refrigerator for a week - but they are usually eaten earlier, and you need to prepare a new batch!

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