Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk and peanut butter

Easter curd with condensed milk and peanut butter is a traditional Easter table dish. Probably, every housewife has the secrets of cooking Easter cheese cake. On the eve of the light holiday I hasten to share my own. Products for this dish need fatty - cottage cheese at least 9% (better is more), butter - 82%. In general, the fatter dairy products, the softer the consistency of the finished dish. And that means - the more delicious our curd Easter will be.

Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk and peanut butter

Peanut butter can be cooked on your own or purchased ready-made. I advise you to choose the one in which there are small pieces of peanuts, so the texture of the dish will be varied.

Among other things, you will need a piece of gauze and pasochnitsa, which, in the absence, will replace the deep sieve. Traditional wooden pasochnitsa consists of four plates, on which are carved the letters “XB” - “Christ is Risen!”. These letters are imprinted on the finished Easter.

The dish is prepared not for long, but it should be remembered that curd Easter should stand under the yoke for about 12 hours - whey will come out of the curd.

Together with Easter cakes and painted eggs, cottage cheese Easter eggs with condensed milk and peanut butter can be consecrated in the church.

Cooking time: 30 minutes (the dish will be fully cooked in 12 hours)

Servings: 6

Ingredients for Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk and peanut butter

  • 400 g of 9% curd;
  • 250 g of condensed milk (8.5%);
  • 100 g butter;
  • 65 g peanut butter;
  • 150 g of candied pineapple;
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar.

Method of cooking Easter curd with condensed milk and peanut butter

So, we choose the best cottage cheese on the market - dry, without lumps. In order to achieve a delicate, creamy consistency, we wipe the curd through a fine sieve twice.

Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk and peanut butter

Next, add condensed milk to the curd, we also carefully select it. Unscrupulous manufacturers often sell something incomprehensible under the guise of condensed milk - fluid and very liquid. Quality condensed milk should be thick, if it is difficult to find one, take boiled one.

Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk and peanut butter

Cut the softened butter into cubes. Add peanut butter and butter in a bowl, pour a pinch of vanilla or vanilla sugar. Although for this case you can also buy a vanilla pod in the spice shop. The shell of the pod itself is not needed, but the scraped grains will give the dish a magical flavor.

Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk and peanut butter

Carefully grind the curd with condensed milk, butter and pasta until you get a thick homogeneous mass. Multicolored candied cut into small cubes, add to the rest of the ingredients.

Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk and peanut butter

We cut a piece of gauze or kise with cold boiled water. We apply wet cheesecloth to a pasochnica or a sieve, spread the curd mass, put a small load on top, put the sieve in a bowl so that it has room to drain the whey.

Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk and peanut butter

Remove the bowl on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator compartment for about 10-12 hours. In general, our easter cottage cheese with condensed milk and peanut butter is ready. It remains only to wait.

On the festive plate we turn the finished Easter wide side down, carefully remove the gauze.

Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk and peanut butter

We decorate the dish with chopped candied fruits and dried fruits, nuts will also be useful.

Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk and peanut butter

Serving Easter cottage cheese with condensed milk and peanut paste on the festive table along with other traditional dishes of the Easter table. By the way, according to the Russian tradition, cheese Easter cake is cooked only once a year.

Bright holiday to you!

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