Apples in the oven with sugar - a useful and simple dish for dessert. How to bake apples in the oven with sugar: the author's detailed recipe with photos

Apples in the oven with sugar - a useful and simple dish for dessert. How to bake apples in the oven with sugar: the author's detailed recipe with photos

It seems that everything we ate as a child was both tastier and more fragrant and sweeter! apples in the oven with sugar. I think your parents or grandmothers made you such a dessert. In my family, I often bake apples, experiment with stuffing: add some raisins, then nuts, coconut, zest, or candied fruits, trying to find the most perfect combination. However, as the classic said: “All ingenious is simple”, therefore I will share the recipe of baked apples stuffed with sugar and cinnamon, which is ingenious in its simplicity, this combination, as everyone knows, is a classic.

Apples for roasting can be taken any, but it is better that they are all the same size and preferably of the same grade (to be sure that all the fruits will be prepared at the same time). Preparation does not take more than 5-10 minutes, so the oven should be preheated in advance so that the apples are put in an already hot oven. Well, let's cook apples in the oven with sugar.


Apples - 4 pcs .;

Sugar - 50 g

Cinnamon - 1 tsp;

Butter - 1 tbsp. l .;

Water - 200 ml.

Apples in the oven with sugar - a useful and simple dish for dessert. How to bake apples in the oven with sugar: the author's detailed recipe with photos


In order to cook baked apples, first of all you need to wash the fruit. Dry the fruit with a paper towel. Knife with a small blade remove the top of the apple from the tail, cutting off the top in the form of a funnel. Carefully, using a knife and a teaspoon, we will gouge a core in the apple, removing the core. Carefully wield a knife, so as not to pierce the fruit through: even through the smallest hole filling can flow out.

Apples in the oven with sugar - a useful and simple dish for dessert. How to bake apples in the oven with sugar: the author's detailed recipe with photos

Sugar mixed with ground cinnamon. The resulting flavored sugar filling fill the groove in the apple. You can also put raisins, chopped nuts, candied dried fruits into the stuffing. You can give free rein to the imagination and prepare such a filling that can make you happy. But I can assure you that sugar with cinnamon is good in itself and will turn apples into a delicious delicacy.

Apples in the oven with sugar - a useful and simple dish for dessert. How to bake apples in the oven with sugar: the author's detailed recipe with photos

We put the apples, ready for baking, into the refractory dishes and pour the freshly boiled water into this form. In fact, boiling hot water, which we poured, will help apples to prepare faster and not allow them to burn.

Apples in the oven with sugar - a useful and simple dish for dessert. How to bake apples in the oven with sugar: the author's detailed recipe with photos

Another option for making fruits is to bake apple pans. To do this, cut the apple in half, carefully cut out the middle part with a teaspoon.

Apples in the oven with sugar - a useful and simple dish for dessert. How to bake apples in the oven with sugar: the author's detailed recipe with photos

We fill the grooves with the same mixture of sugar and cinnamon, but on top of this we add one teaspoon of butter to each apple boat. Also at the bottom of a baking dish pour boiled water, about a finger and a half.

Apples in the oven with sugar - a useful and simple dish for dessert. How to bake apples in the oven with sugar: the author's detailed recipe with photos

We put the apples in an oven already heated to 190 degrees and bake, depending on the size and variety of apples, 30-40 minutes.

Finished apples are served, powdered with powdered sugar. And if you really want something like that, we put a scoop of ice cream next to it: a combination of scorching hot apple and invigorating cool ice cream will delight your taste buds and satisfy your gastronomic desires.

Apples in the oven with sugar - a useful and simple dish for dessert. How to bake apples in the oven with sugar: the author's detailed recipe with photos

A wonderful dessert in its simplicity — apples in the oven with sugar — is ready. Taste and usefulness are the words with which to describe it. Prepare such a treat for your loved ones and your efforts will be appreciated.

Cooking time - 35 minutes

Servings Per Container - 6

Per 100g:

B - 10.96

F - 12.92

Y - 6.97

Kcal - 188.52

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