Easter cookies with icing

Traditions to cook beautiful sweets for Easter for hundreds of years, and Easter cookies are probably one of the first places among the sweet gifts on this bright holiday. Easter cookies with sugar icing can be prepared long before the holiday, it is well kept, does not spoil for a month, or even more. If you are not too lazy and build beautiful boxes for cookies, you get a nice gift for each guest, because the gifts made with your own hands are very expensive.

Easter cookies with icing
  • Cooking time: 2 hours
  • Servings: 8

Ingredients for making Easter cookies with icing


  • 50 g of honey;
  • 100 g of powdered sugar;
  • 120 g butter;
  • 3 g of baking powder;
  • 175 g wheat flour;
  • chicken egg;
  • 2 tsp. ground cinnamon;
  • nutmeg, cardamom, cloves, salt.


  • pink, light green and yellow food color;
  • 45 g of egg white;
  • 300 g of powdered sugar;
  • 2 g of vanilla.
Easter cookies with icing

Cooking method for Easter cookies with icing

Making the dough for cookies. We start, as always, with softened butter. Beat it for a few seconds, then add honey and icing sugar, mix again with a mixer until the mixture becomes air. Separate the egg yolk, add it to the bowl, beat it all over again.

Mix wheat flour and baking powder, add to the whipped ingredients. At this stage, the dough can be mixed by hand, but this must be done quickly so that the oil does not get very hot.

Easter cookies with icing Easter cookies with icing Easter cookies with icing

Easter baking should be fragrant, so do not feel sorry for the spices. Add 1/3 grated nutmeg, ground cinnamon, cardamom and cloves ground in a mortar.

Easter cookies with icing

Put the ready dough in the bag and remove it for 30 minutes on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator so that it rests.

Easter cookies with icing

We sprinkle the board with wheat flour, roll out the dough with a layer of about 5 millimeters, cut out eggs of different sizes with molds.

Easter cookies with icing

Lay the eggs on the baking sheet. Since there is butter in the dough, you do not need to grease the pan. You can lay out the cookies on the silicone mat, it is very convenient and you do not need to wash the pan.

Easter cookies with icing

Heat the oven to 175 ° C. Put a baking tray with cookies in a hot oven, bake for 11 minutes. After the biscuit has cooled completely, you can decorate it.

In a porcelain bowl, rub the raw egg white (enough protein from two medium-sized eggs), gradually add vanillin and sifted caster sugar to the bowl.

Divide the white glaze into equal parts, add food colors - pink, light green and yellow.

Easter cookies with icing

We fold a small bag of cellophane, fill it with glaze and paint the eggs in different colors.

Easter cookies with icing

Eggs, coated with icing, leave for 30 minutes. When the main background is dry, you can draw on them convex colored flowers.

Easter cookies with icing

The next color (yellow) needs to be applied after another 20-30 minutes, otherwise the icing will mix and spread. Ready “Easter eggs” leave at room temperature for several hours, but better at night.

Easter cookies with icing

After the drawing is dry, Easter cookies can be folded without fear of damage, as sugar glaze decorations are sturdy.

Easter cookies with icing sugar ready. Enjoy your meal!

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