Dumplings with potatoes

If you need to feed the whole family with a hearty, lean dish - cook dumplings. This is a universal main course: it does not require a side dish, you can eat even without bread, and what a variety of toppings! Sweet dumplings with cherries - a great option for children for breakfast and snack; stuffed with cabbage, beans - what you need for lunch or dinner. And we offer to stick dumplings with potatoes on a day off. You can also freeze them - then all week you will have a supply for fast cooking at your fingertips. Homemade dumplings are incomparably better than shop convenience foods: tastier, larger, and more beautiful.

Dumplings with potatoes

Ingredients for Potato Dumplings

For test:

  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 cup of boiling water;
  • 1/4 tsp. salt.

For the filling:

  • 4-5 medium potatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt, pepper.
Dumplings with potatoes

Method of cooking dumplings with potatoes

First make the potato filling

If you have yesterday's mashed potatoes - great! This means that the preparation of the filling is simplified twice, and the mashed potatoes will turn into a new dish, as is the case with potato zrazy. If no mashed potatoes, then peel and wash 5-6 potatoes, cut into slices and boil until done.

Dumplings with potatoes

While the potatoes are being cooked, finely cut the onion, pour it into the pan with the heated sunflower oil. The most delicious onions for the filling and gravy for the dumplings are not damp, but not zashkvarenny to the state of embers, but rosy-golden. To make it happen, we are not distracted, but by stirring regularly, fry the onions on the fire a little more than the average.

Dumplings with potatoes

Meanwhile, the potatoes became soft. Pour broth into a saucepan and turn potatoes into mashed potatoes. Add a little potato broth so that the filling is not dry. Add to the potato half of the fried onion, salt, pepper and mix. The filling is ready. In the meantime, it cools, prepare the dough for dumplings.

Dumplings with potatoes Dumplings with potatoes Dumplings with potatoes

Prepare the dough

I always make for dumplings, as well as for dumplings, choux dough on boiling water. It is very convenient and pleasant to work with him: soft, elastic, it is easy to roll out and molded, and the dumplings turn out to be tender and tasty.

Dumplings with potatoes

Sift the flour into a bowl and add salt, pour a glass of boiling water into the flour and quickly knead it with a spoon. When the dough becomes not hot, but warm, continue to knead with your hands. If the dough is too sticky, you can pour some flour - but do not overdo it, otherwise it will turn out very steep, and it will be difficult to roll it.

Normally, the dough is soft, almost not sticking to hands. Knead the dough well, put it in a bowl, sprinkled with flour or greased with vegetable oil (so as not to stick), and cover with a towel on top, then the dough will not dry out.

Dumplings with potatoes

It's time to sculpt dumplings

The filling is not hot, but a little warm - it's time to make dumplings. Sprinkle the table with flour, separate half from the dough and roll up the sausage. We cut it into pieces of a width of 1, 5-2 cm. Each piece is rolled out with a rolling pin in a circle.

Dumplings with potatoes

In the center of each mug we place 1 teaspoon full of filling with top. The exact amount depends on the size of your dumplings - the larger the circle, the greater the filling. If you put a little, dumplings will be “thin”, and if too much - they can break. But you will quickly understand in practice how many potatoes you need to get a “plump” delicious dumpling.

Dumplings with potatoes

Now you need to close the dumplings so that the filling does not “run away” during the cooking process. And you should close up quickly, until the edges of the dough have dried out in the air - that's when it's time to call the household to participate in the preparation of a family dinner! I put the dumplings twice: the first time is a “draft”, we just blind together the edges of the circle, and the second - with a “pigtail” so that it turns out not only firmly, but also beautiful.

Dumplings with potatoes

Fold the dumplings with potatoes on the board, sprinkled with flour. If you want to freeze - cover with food film and place in the freezer, and if you are going to eat - put on a pan with salted water (about 1 tbsp per 1, 5-2 l of water). When the water boils, we drop the dumplings into it - so much so that they float freely and do not stick together.

Dumplings with potatoes

Cook the dumplings with potatoes on medium heat until they come up, and another 1-2 minutes, because the filling is ready and the dumplings do not need to be cooked for a long time, like dumplings with raw minced meat (and while cooking the first batch, make the second) . Do not allow strong boiling, otherwise they can boil soft.

Dumplings with potatoes

We make ready-made dumplings with potatoes with a slotted spoon in a plate and fill with fried onions - remember, we have half left after preparing the filling. For beauty, you can sprinkle with chopped greens.

Dumplings with potatoes

Serve the dumplings with potatoes immediately, warm. And the next day, dumplings with potatoes can be fried, it turns out delicious. But, of course, freshly cooked much tastier. Therefore, I advise you to stick dumplings with potatoes for the future and cook them in portions, as needed.

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