Braised beans with smoked sausages in tomato sauce

No wonder the beans are grown for more than 7 thousand years! This unpretentious bean culture willingly grows and weaves, decorating our plots, and generously bears fruit, bringing a harvest from which you can cook tasty and nutritious dishes all winter long. Legumes especially help out during fasting: variegated beans contain proteins exceeding in their nutritional value fish and even meat! And they are very easy to digest: 70-80%. And also beans - a pantry of almost all vitamins needed by our body (A, B, C, E, PP and K groups); and also many important minerals: calcium, potassium, iron, sulfur, copper. So, it is rightfully attributed by nutritionists to the top ten most useful products!

Braised beans with smoked sausages in tomato sauce

I suggest you to prepare a delicious dish from this wonderful gift of vegetable gardens - stewed beans in a tomato. I added raw smoked sausages to the composition - for color and flavor; however, you can do without them: in any case, it will be very satisfying and appetizing.

  • Time: preparation 12 hours; cooking 45 minutes
  • Servings: 6

Ingredients for cooking bean stew with smoked sausages in tomato sauce:

  • 2 cups dry beans;
  • 1-2 onions;
  • 1-2 carrots;
  • 2 tbsp. l sunflower oil;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l tomato paste;
  • 1 tbsp. l flour;
  • 0, 5 l of water for gravy + 1 l - for soaking and boiling beans;
  • 1 tsp. salts (without top);
  • 1/4 tsp. black pepper;
  • smoked sausages - 1 per serving;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • A bunch of parsley.
Braised beans with smoked sausages in tomato sauce

Cooking stewed beans with smoked sausages in tomato sauce

For long-term storage, the beans are well dried, and there is almost no moisture. It takes a lot of time to dry the legumes again. Therefore, in order for the beans to boil quickly, it turned out soft and tasty, it should be pre-soaked for at least 3-4 hours, and better - at 8-12, ideally at night.

Braised beans with smoked sausages in tomato sauce

We put the boiled beans into the boil, topping up with some water if necessary. Cooking at low boil for about half an hour, almost bringing to readiness - until the beans start to become soft. Do not forget to salt!

Braised beans with smoked sausages in tomato sauce

In the meantime, make a tomato-vegetable gravy. We clean and rinse onions, carrots. Onion cut finely and lightly fry, stirring in vegetable oil: 2-3 minutes, until light transparency. Take a deep frying pan, so that it can later fit into beans and gravy.

Braised beans with smoked sausages in tomato sauce

When the onion is soft, add carrots to it. Continue to fry on low heat, stirring occasionally - another 3-4 minutes.

Braised beans with smoked sausages in tomato sauce

Then stir the tomato paste in 2, 5 cups of water and pour it into the pan with the fried vegetables. Stir, bring to a boil.

Braised beans with smoked sausages in tomato sauce

Pour flour in a cup, add some water and stir it so that there are no lumps left. Pour into gravy, mix. Flour is needed to thicken the sauce.

Braised beans with smoked sausages in tomato sauce

It is time to pour boiled beans into the gravy - it is almost ready, let it leave with the gravy for another 5-7 minutes, under the lid.

Braised beans with smoked sausages in tomato sauce

Then add the spices: pepper-peas and bay leaf. Salt to taste.

Next, add sausages and chopped parsley. If you have dried dill, basil - boldly season with herbs, the dish will turn out to be more fragrant! Sausages can be put whole, and can be cut into pieces, so that it is more convenient to eat. In addition to smoked, like “Hunting”, you can stew beans with homemade chicken or meat sausages, kupaty. Only they need to be pre-cooked or baked, as they sell such sausages raw.

Braised beans with smoked sausages in tomato sauce

When the sauce with all the ingredients lasts for another 2-3 minutes, the dish is ready.

Braised beans with smoked sausages in tomato sauce

You can serve stewed beans with sausages in tomato sauce as a separate dish or as an addition to a side dish of potatoes or cereals. It is delicious both hot and cold!

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