Steamed cauliflower recipes: spicy, fragrant and even multi-colored. Tasty diet - steamed cauliflower

Steamed cauliflower recipes: spicy, fragrant and even multi-colored. Tasty diet - steamed cauliflower

Cauliflower steamed dishes are so popular for its great taste. Anyone who has ever eaten on a diet, well remember not the most pleasant impressions of tasteless food. But cauliflower dishes are strikingly different on the general “dietary” background. Even such strict restrictions as a ban on the use of fried dishes, seem to be quite tolerable, if the menu contains cauliflower.

Steamed Cauliflower - General Cooking Principles

• Steam cauliflower can be steamed in specially designed steamers or you can build such a miracle saucepan yourself from an ordinary saucepan and a colander. You can also use the slow cooker. The principle of steaming is unchanged for any dishes, vegetables are placed in a lattice capacity and set over steam. For cooking in a double boiler use the program “Steam”.

• In steaming, both inflorescences and cob cut into pieces are used. In order to properly divide the head, it is laid on the chopping board with its inflorescences down and neatly cut along, in the middle of the trunk. Then each half, also along the trunk, is divided into the required number of pieces.

• Before using, cauliflower is recommended to stand for some time in salted water. This procedure not only helps to better wash the remaining litter, the salt solution is etched out of the inflorescences of the pests living in them.

• In most cases, cauliflower is cooked on its own, and when served, it is poured over specially prepared sauces. Often the vegetable is steamed under cheese, with other vegetables and chicken fillet.

Spicy cauliflower steamed in cheese


• a medium cauliflower head;

• fresh parsley;

• 70 gr. non-spicy cheese;

• to taste - “Dijon” mustard.

Cooking Method:

1. Cut the head in half lengthwise and carefully cut the trunk. Wash and dry well, laying out on a towel or in a colander. 2. Pour water into a steamer and put on an intense fire. When water boils, install a grid on it.

3. Put on a steam grid and steamed inflorescences for about 10 minutes, until soft.

4. After that, grease with mustard, sprinkle with chopped on a fine grater cheese and again steamed well.

5. To make the cheese melt well, a quarter of an hour is enough.

Fragrant cauliflower steamed with citrus sauce


• kilogram cauliflower;

• butter 72% butter - 40 gr .;

• lemon - 1 large;

• A tablespoon of finely chopped parsley.

Cooking Method:

1. Separate the leaves from the head, cut into two parts, along the trunk and remove its compacted part. Cut the halves along the trunk in half.

2. Place the quarters of the head in the bowl of the double boiler and stew for 25 minutes, or more precisely, until it is completely softened. Check the readiness can puncture the most dense part of the trunk with a knife. If the point pierces it easily, then it’s done.

3. Sip a lemon with boiling water, wipe dry with a towel and a small grater and peel it off. Then cut the fruit in half, squeeze the juice well and strain it.

4. Five minutes before the cabbage is fully cooked, over low heat in a small saucepan, melt the butter.

5. Add the crushed lemon zest, pour in the filtered citrus juice and mix well.

6. Pour the quarters into the head of the prepared hot sauce immediately after putting them out of the double boiler.

Steamed cauliflower under a nut crumb


• small cauliflower inflorescences - 500 gr .;

• 50 gr. thickened cream;

• a tablespoon of white ground crackers;

• a quarter cup of walnut kernels.

Cooking Method:

1. Dip the inflorescences separated from the stem into hot, slightly salted, water for 5-7 minutes. In this way, we get rid of the sand and midges in them. Then transfer the vegetable to a special container and steam for about 20 minutes, until softened.

2. Blender perebite in small chips walnut kernels and mix it with breadcrumbs. 3. On a small fire in a frying pan, dissolve the cream and lightly stew and fry the prepared nut mixture in it.

4. Put the finished treat on the dish and immediately sprinkle with roasted nuts on top.

Steamed cauliflower inflorescences under spicy cucumber sauce


• cauliflower - small hard head;

• two large salted or pickled cucumbers;

• 150 ml fatty liquid cream;

• A pair of peppercorns;

• a few sprigs of dill.

Cooking Method:

1. Separate the inflorescences from the stem and place them in steam baskets and place a thin cheese on each one. It is desirable that the cheese piece completely covers the substrate. You can grate the cheese with a large grater and tightly sprinkle the chips into pieces.

2. Steam the vegetable under the cheese cap for 20 minutes.

3. While it softens, prepare the dressing. Grate the cooked cucumbers on a large grater and put them on a sieve. When most of the brine comes off, slightly squeeze the cucumber chips and mix it with cream.

4. Add finely chopped dill and freshly ground pepper and mix well.

5. Carefully place parboiled inflorescences on a plate, placing them with melted cheese up, and pour all the slices of cooked cucumber sauce. You can add a little crushed garlic press into it for sharpness.

Steamed cauliflower in a double boiler with a fragrant creamy sauce


• average cauliflower;

• broccoli florets - 10 pcs .;

• two large garlic cloves;

• a pair of laurel leaves;

• three leaves of fresh basil;

• ground allspice;

• thyme - 4 leaves;

• 100 gr. butter, high quality oil;

• a little ground pepper, literally a pinch.

Cooking Method:

1. Cut off the damaged areas from the inflorescences, separate them from the stem and rinse thoroughly. You can stand for some time in warm saline solution, so that all the dirt comes out of them.

2. Fill the tank with two thirds of the volume with water and crush the bay leaves into it. Add a teaspoon of salt and thyme.

3. Place the inflorescences in the lower container and place it on the water tank, cover with a lid and steamed for about 10 minutes. 4. After that, on the container with cauliflower, install the same container, but with broccoli and steamed all together for another seven minutes.

5. While vegetables are being cooked, prepare the sauce in parallel. In any convenient way, melt the butter. Push or rub garlic with a fine grater in it. Add finely chopped basil leaves, season with allspice and stir thoroughly.

6. When the cabbage is ready, open the steamer and grease abundantly with a brush with the prepared sauce all the inflorescences.

7. Soak vegetables in a double boiler sauce for about half a minute and immediately shift to a serving dish. Sprinkle with chopped dill and serve hot.

Dietary cauliflower second course with steamed potatoes and chicken


• eight cauliflower inflorescences;

• kilogram of potatoes;

• chilled chicken fillet - 350 gr .;

• two tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice;

• two tablespoons of olive or other well-purified oil;

• coriander kernels - 1/2 tsp.

Cooking Method:

1. After washing, dry the chicken and cut into small pieces. Fold the chicken in a bowl, season with spices, mix and leave for 15 minutes so that the meat absorbs their flavor.

2. Carefully cutting with a knife, separate the cabbage inflorescences from the stem and rinse them in warm water. Cut peeled potato tubers into slices, put the pieces into a bowl of chicken and mix thoroughly.

3. Place chicken meat mixed with potatoes on the lower tier of the double boiler, and place a basket with buds in it in the second tier.

4. Steam all together for half an hour. During this time, the potatoes with cabbage should be soft, and in pieces of chicken should not remain ichorovitsy.

5. When serving at the bottom of a deep dish, first lay out the potatoes with chicken and cover it with inflorescences.

6. Mix lemon juice with olive oil. Add coriander, stir and pour cooked dressing hot dish on top.

Multi-colored steamed cauliflower inflorescences with garlic sauce


• 400 gr. cauliflower; • one small carrot;

• teaspoon curry rug;

• 1/4 of a small lemon;

• 150 ml of fat sour cream;

• large bunch of fresh parsley;

• garlic - to taste.

Cooking Method:

1. With a slice of lemon fine grater zoskoble zest. Wash the parsley.

2. Pour water into the lower steamer pan, dip two sprigs of parsley and lemon zest into it.

3. Cut the cleaned carrot into thin circles. Separate the inflorescences from the head and be sure to cut the legs a little.

4. Place the cabbage mixed with the carrot rings in the steam container. Lightly salt with fine salt, you can optionally season with any spices.

5. Steam the vegetables in a double boiler until the desired softness.

6. On a fine grater, rub the garlic cloves and mix it with finely chopped parsley. Add sour cream, lightly salt and stir.

7. Curry pour two spoons of water taken from the double boiler. Put in the prepared mixture a third of steamed cabbage and soak in it for two minutes. Then return the yellow-colored inflorescences back to the steamer and steam them for another two minutes.

8. Put the cabbage on a flat dish in one layer, alternating colored inflorescences with carrots and white cabbage. Serve with cooked garlic sauce, which is put in a small bowl or a special saucepan.

Steamed Cauliflower - cooking tricks and useful tips

• If the steamed cauliflower is recommended to be served with or under the sauce, prepare the sauce in parallel with the main dish so that the finished dish does not have time to cool.

• Add some spices and aromatic herbs to the lower container with water. During cooking, cabbage will be soaked with their flavors and will taste better.

• Add some salt immediately, as soon as you put the inflorescences in the steam basket, they will salt out more evenly.

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